The EU FP7 project MICORE prepared an executive summary with the five main outcomes of the project. Among the key outcomes are:

  • the successful use of OpenEarth Introduction as a protocol for data and knowledge sharing
  • the use of the Frame of Reference approach as a means to build bridges between coastal experts and end-users

The English as well as the Dutch version may be downloaded below

  File Modified
JPEG File MICORE Executive Summary Front Page.jpg Front page executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld
PDF File MicoreBC-English esecutive e-print.pdf English version of executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld
PDF File MicoreBC-Netherlands esecutive e-print.pdf Nederlandse versie van executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld
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