No Card macro found

The Deck macro must contain Card macros. Please refer to our documentation for more information.

Detran (DElft TRansport ANalyzer) is a matlab based computer program that calculates and shows sediment transport rates through arbitrary chosen transects on the basis of Delft3D model output. Detran can be used from the matlab command line as a toolbox (a collection of routines/functions) or as a stand-alone executable program with a graphical user interface (GUI).

The program is capable of the following:

  • present map transport fields (magnitude by colour and direction by vectors)
  • calculate and present transport rates through transects;
  • load data from Delft3D map (trim) and history (trih) output files;
  • load data from a single Delft3D simulation, from a simulation with multiple conditions or from a mormerge simulation;
  • present bed load, suspended load or total transport;
  • present transport on different time scales (from seconds to years and even a user defined time window);
  • if a Delft3D simulation was carried out with multiple sediment fractions, the user can choose which fraction (or all fractions together) to present;
  • load transects from a polygon (pol) file or create them by clicking within the graphical user interface of detran;
  • save your clicked transects to a file;
  • adjust plot settings, like colour scale, vector scale, vector thinning;
  • load and plot a landboundary;
  • export the results to a matlab figure, which can be customized and printed by the user
  • save the transport data to a matlab file (mat) for later use in detran or matlab.

Detran can be downloaded below.

Note1: This application requires the installation of the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) v7.11 on your system. The MCR installer can be downloaded here. Please save the executable first (for example in c:\temp), before running it. Download and run the installer before installing Detran.

  File Modified
File detran-32bit.msi v1.0 - installer for windows 32-bit 18-02-2011 by Wiebe de Boer
File detran-64bit.msi v1.0 - installer for windows 64-bit 18-02-2011 by Wiebe de Boer

Downloads are also available from SourceForge following this link.

Note2: Running the application on Windows 7 may give you the following error message (shown for DelftDashboard):

In this case you first need to install the vc redistributables below. Please save the redistributables first (for example in c:\temp) and consequently run the 2005 and 2008 versions (in this order). You may have to restart your pc to activate changes.

  File Modified
File vcredist_x86 (2008 SP1).exe vc redistributable 2008 10-02-2011 by Wiebe de Boer
File vcredist_x86 (2005 SP1).exe vc redistributable 2005 10-02-2011 by Wiebe de Boer


The manual of Detran can be found here.


A tutorial for using the toolbox can be found here.

For the use of the graphical user interface, check the video tutorial below.

This page facilitates the feedback of the users of Detran.


Bugs can reported via the issue-management system.

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due


At the Detran forum it you can post questions and remarks or start a discussion.

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