This document describes the technical details and discussions in relation to the deployment of the OpenEarth stack.

Operating System:

The deployment is supported on RedhatEL/CentOS. These linux distributions are quite conservative in their updates. You can deploy the same software to other OS'es and other distributions. Deploying on windows is discouraged because it does not have a proper package management.

Extra packages

The OpnEarth stack consists of a number of packages from different repositories.
Most of the packages originate from the original distribution. Some of the packages are provided by others. When packages do not exist, we create them and make them publicly available.

Packages from other sources

Check using keychecker

Machine organization


Extra software installed

  • git, for updating dotfiles and.emacs.d.
  • emacs, for editing
  • gcc, for building stuff (for example fpm)
  • irb, rubygems ruby-devel, for downloading fpm
  • gem install --user-install fpm
  • subversion (download sourcecode)
  • rpm-build (for building rpms)
  • bash-completion (for productivity)
  • bzip2-devel, openssl-devel, zlib-devel, libffi-devel, readline-devel, ncurses-devel
  • tomcat6-webapps, tomcat6-admin-webapps


  • emacs is too old, my configuration expects emacs>=24, 23 is present.
  • fpm package not found -> install with user install
  • yum search requires root access for RHN
  • yum grouplist: No group data available for configured repositories -> yum makecache
  • Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. Happens on vm's where both vm and host adapt clock skew factor.
  • strange character in terminal isntead of arrow in putty
  1. build rpm for python27
    fpm -s dir -t rpm -n python27 -v 2.7.5 opt/python2.7/bin opt/python2.7/lib opt/python2.7/share webclient/browser<=>{internet} <1=DMZ=1>[reverse proxy :80]<1=N> [wsgiserver :60xx] <1=1> [web application /srv/apps] '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '','','', '', '','',''
    TODO: add list of, double check

Thanks to Reinout and Jack from Neelen and Schuurmans for suggestions and advise.