
Mailing list


The Deltares’ Statistics, Probabilistics and Uncertainties Community was created as an informal way to exchange ideas and experiences in the fields of statistics, probabilistics and uncertainties. Our aim is to help in the dissemination of our in-house tools and expertise and to exchange ideas.

The knowledge level in statistics of the speakers and attendees of the organised lectures does not need to be high. The goal is to communicate what is available, how it can eventually be used or put in practice or solely to exchange ideas.


Past activities are listed here.

Mailing list

The mailing list is used to distribute announcements for the Statistics Community's activities. It is available from within the Deltares network domain only. Most – but not all – members are Deltares employees.

Resource Page

Every now and then, somebody finds something of interest to the Statistics, Probabilistics and Uncertainties Community. These suggestions can be posted on the Resource Page

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