If you want to compile the coupled version of Dune and XBeach under windows you need the following.

  • Cygwin (including gfortran, gcc, libtool, automake, libfftw3-devel, libfftw3)
  • MPICH2 source code release
  • netcdf>=4.1 source code
  • The following XBeach branches:
  • trunk
  • branches/esmf
  • branches/dune/Muller
  • branches/XD_XB_coupling

You can follow these steps:

  • Install cygwin
  • Compile MPICH2 using gfortran and make install (check if mpif90 is available)
  • Compile netCDF using gfortran and make install (check if nc-config is available)
  • Compile XBeach (--with-netcdf --without-mpi, mpi is not supported yet ), should generate a file called libxbeach.la
  • Compile dune in branches/dune/Muller (should generate a file called libdune.la)
  • Compile esmf (use settings like in settings under condition wl01485) (should generate a file called esmf.mod)
  • Compile XD_XB_Coupling (double check the Makefile.am, to see if it uses the correct locations for the libraries that were made in the previous steps). (should generate a file called xdunexbeach)

Setting up a simulation:

  • Create a directory with both dune and xbeach input (default.par, data/, params.txt)
  • Create a coupler setup file (see examples in coupler directory)
  • run xdunexbeach from the current directory.

Run the command path/to/xdunexbeachdir/libtool --mode=execute gdb path/to/xdunexbeachdir/xdunexbeach.

  • No labels


  1. Fedor Baart AUTHOR

    I had to change the mpi flag to mpichcxx in Makefile.am in XD_XB_coupler to get it working. I might fix that in the configure.ac later.

  2. When configuring either netcdf or mpich2, it's important to place it into a folder with a name without any spaces, else it will encounter errors.

    Additionally, to avoid copying .dll files for every run, add the /bin folder from your cygwin installation directory to the windows path. (Control panel, settings, system, advanced, environment variables, system variable, edit path, add the directory to the path, seperated by a ;)