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  1. FEWS Schematic Status Display (SSD) Web Service

    be complete. Introduction The FEWS Schematic Status Display (SSD) Web Service allows requesting SSD displays (formerly called Scada displays) using a simple REST web interface. This web service is available only in FEWS 2020.01 and later versions. For more information on configuring SSD/Scada displays, please refer
  2. 15 Schematic Status Display

    Overview The Schematic Status Display (SSD, formerly named Scada display) in Delft-FEWS is used for displaying and monitoring data. The schematic status … Configuration files: ScadaTwentekanalen.xml Example of a scada display configuration file Twentekanalen_10min.svg Example of an svg file, which
  3. 24 Topology (a.k.a. Scada displays). <url> and web browser display The option <url> can be used to configure an URL for each node. After selecting the node the URL … displays) was introduced in 2010. A central role in the configuration of the IFD is the topology.xml. This part of the wiki explains the configuration details
  4. Rijkswaterstaat System Alerter Plugin - Alarmmodule (DEPRECATED)

    .. DisplayConfigFiles\<scadaDisplay>.xml Defines the scada display in which alerts can be used by means of <shapeComponentBehaviourDefinition>. File name is free to choose … be used to change colors and the use of Flags in the Displays RegionConfigFiles\ThresholdValueSets.xml Links timeSeriesSets to <thresholdValueSets
  5. 12 Task Run Dialog Display

    This module was frequently used in connection with the old what-if scenarios display, which will reach its end-of-life (EOL) status in the coming years.  The Task Run Dialog Display on its own will remain to be supported, but the connection
    DELFT-FEWS Documentationyesterday at 09:21
  6. 2020.01_solved_bugs_draft.pdf

    , System - PI Service FEWS-22879 FEWS-22675 SSD webservice: caching issue with the test page? scada displays were never refreshed Scada displays were never refreshed from the database. Only after restarting the webservice, the latest scada displays were read.
  7. 01 Grid Display

    Grid display The grid display is used in Delft-FEWS for viewing grid time series. These grid time series can be dynamically animated against a map background (comparable to the main map display). Files following the gridDisplay.xsd need to be placed in the DisplayConfigFiles folder and can be referenced
  8. 24 Web Browser Display

    Overview The Web Browser Display (available since 2016.01) can display URL's that are configured for a topology node of the Interactive Forecast Display in the topology.xml. Configuration (up to Delft-FEWS 2018.02) To use the  Web Browser Display, configure it as <explorerTask> in Explorer.xml. For example
  9. 02 Time Series Display Configuration

    display (line styles etc) schema location Introduction The layout of the time series display is configured in an XML file in the System Configuration folder. When
  10. Changing display properties

    In the Time series dialog window it is possible to change the look and feel of the displayed timeseries. By pressing the right mouse button, in the chart area of the display, a list will appear containing  the option Properties... (see figure 1). image-2024-6-18_12-58-44.png figure 1: Right mouse pop up menu