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  1. Vector_Grand_village_direction.png

  2. OPeNDAP access of grids

    grid An orthogonal lat-lon grid: climate data products often appear in this topology. There is a separate lat vector (e.g. -180:1:180 deg) and a separate lon vector (e.g. -90:1:90 deg) that span a part of the globe. Support for these grids is always available. Example
  3. OPeNDAP subsetting with matlab

    } = ''; url_line = ''; World vector shoreline: Get line data: 1D vectors are small, so we can get all data nc_dump(url_line) L.lon = ncread(url_line,'lon'); = ncread(url_line,'lat
  4. WxS

    the web. vectors/features WFS primer Web Feature Services: request vectors _graphics_over the web. WFS primer Web Feature Services: request vectors data over … for exchange of standard grid/vector data (netCDF-CF-OPeNDAP), relational data (PostgreSQL-PostGIS) and for raw data (subversion). OpenEarthBuildingBlocks.png
  5. Querying ICES database

    Introduction This page is a result from a question from one of the VECTORS members. The method provided creates a list of averaged temperatures, averaged … = ICES, username = dbices, password = vectors) (!!privileges are read-only!!) Necessary modules: For Python psycopg2
  6. 05 Spatial Display

    data in the form of u,v vectors the data availability indicator might over-estimate the maximum values. In other words, for u,v vector data the availability … . Water temperature or salinity), and not yet for vector data like currents. show_2d_profile_screenshot.png 2D longitudinal profile salinity.png Extracting data
  7. Third party libraries known CVE issues

    Kafka 3.0.9 and earlier and versions 2.9.10 and earlier, a possible deserialization attack vector existed, but only if unusual configuration was applied … to bypass authentication and consequently perform actions via vectors related to connection state logging. Delft-FEWS only uses the client, not the AMQP server
  8. Accessing PostgreSQL PostGIS with Python

    Introduction This page is dedicated to the VECTORS workshop in Portorož, Slovenia. The method provided creates a subset of data (points) for a specific … = vectors) (!!privileges are read-only!!) Necessary modules: matplotlib.pyplot (comes with python(xy)) psycopg2
  9. Riemann Boundary Constants Export

    , a check-box can be selected if the coarse grid should be considered staggered. In this case the weights for u vectors, v vectors and time series located … for the boundary location will be skipped.  To calculate the angle, the orientation of the grid cells is interpreted as a vector (arrow) from the centers
  10. Tutorial: Creating a <receptor>.txt file

    'First record has field names', e.g.: image2015-12-10 11:35:16.png Add the shape files (Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Vector Layer). After this the screen … ' 'Save edits' and once more 'Toggle editing mode' Repeat a-d for the other layer Intersect the receptor layer with the area layer (Vector -> Geoprocessing