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  1. FEWS Schematic Status Display (SSD) Web Service

    be complete. Introduction The FEWS Schematic Status Display (SSD) Web Service allows requesting SSD displays (formerly called Scada displays) using a simple REST web interface. This web service is available only in FEWS 2020.01 and later versions. For more information on configuring SSD/Scada displays, please refer
  2. 15 Schematic Status Display

    Overview The Schematic Status Display (SSD, formerly named Scada display) in Delft-FEWS is used for displaying and monitoring data. The schematic status … data, it does not implement all features that could be expected from a SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. Before 2011_02, multipliers
  3. Rijkswaterstaat System Alerter Plugin - Alarmmodule (DEPRECATED)

    .. DisplayConfigFiles\<scadaDisplay>.xml Defines the scada display in which alerts can be used by means of <shapeComponentBehaviourDefinition>. File name is free to choose
  4. 24 Topology

    the element <selectFirstPlotOnSelectionChange>. If this option is set to true the first plot will always be selected. scadaDisplayPanelId To navigate SSD (scada … (a.k.a. Scada displays). <url> and web browser display The option <url> can be used to configure an URL for each node. After selecting the node the URL
  5. WSCC csv

    will be 'yyyymmddhhmm_PARAMETER' Eg. 200703121500_RF TN stands for TagName (parameter name) which defined in the SCADA System. Also user can customise the TN which may different from the SCADA System Example: Date,Time,S23-USR-LEV-RES-1,Qf,S48(51)-UPP-LEV-RES-1,Qf,S46(50)-LPP-LEV-RES-1,Qf,S46(24)-MCP-LEV-RES-1,Qf 06052007,02
  6. scada_panel_configuration_options.png

  7. scada_click_action_configuration_options.png

  8. scada_use_threshold_warninglevel_symbol.png

  9. scada_time_navigator_toolbar_configuration_options.png

  10. scada_display_transformations.png

    Schema fragment for transformations. Schema fragment for transformations.