Versions Compared


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Wiki Markup
h2. General

<!-- Metadata in format -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    The <a href="The [Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland|" itemprop="name">Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland</a> ] versie 2
    (<span itemprop="name">AHN2</span>AHN2), was made available <span  itemprop="datePublished">20142014-03-06</span>06. 
The dataset covers the topography of <span itemprop="spatial"  itemscope itemtype="">thethe Netherlands (<span itemprop="address">nl</span>)</span>, measured <span itemprop="temporal" itemscope itemtype=""> from <span itemprop="startTime">2011</span> through <span itemprop="endTime">2012</span>.
{html}nl), measured from 2011 through 2012.

<img src="" alt="three star open Web data" />

h2. Formats

The data is available in pointclouds (las) and as a map (tiff).

h2. Services

Using the AHN2 as a background map can be done using one of the WMS services:

The full list is available at []

The relevant url's are:
- []
- []

- []
- []

- []
- []

- []
- []

If you're using QGIS you can use the [pdok plugin|] which is very [handy|] (in dutch).

h2. Downloading

To download the data use one of the atomfeeds to get a list of files.


h2. Examples

h4. Qgis

Load the PDOK plugin. Add the AHN2 WMTS service from the list (for viewing). You should see something like:


h4. Python

Notebook: []

h4. Matlab

OpenEarthTOols has a function {{wcs}} and {{wms}} for using the web services, which can be dowloaded [here|] after [registration|Join+OpenEarth].

server = '';
[url,OPT,lim] = wcs('server',server,...
    'coverage','ahn2:ahn2_5m',... % shoudl not work: GeoTIFF (case)
    'axis',[94000 466000 96000 468000],...


h4. Other

Grontmij made a nice [overview of possible use cases|].

h2. Issues

The WCS of does not seem to support v1.1.0, only 1.0.0 and 1.1.1.
The WMTS layer does not seem to work when zoomed out in QGIS.

h2. Structured info

The following text follows the [|] convention and is used for structured search engines. See html source for details. 
<!-- Metadata in format -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    The <a href="" itemprop="name">Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland</a> versie 2
    (<span itemprop="name">AHN2</span>), was made available <span  itemprop="datePublished">2014-03-06</span>. 
The dataset covers the topography of <span itemprop="spatial"  itemscope itemtype="">the Netherlands (<span itemprop="address">nl</span>)</span>, measured <span itemprop="temporal" itemscope itemtype=""> from <span itemprop="startTime">2011</span> through <span itemprop="endTime">2012</span>.