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Wiki Markup
h2. General

<!-- Metadata in format -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    The <a href="" itemprop="name">Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland</a> versie 2
    (<span itemprop="name">AHN2</span>), was made available <span  itemprop="datePublished">2014-03-06</span>. 
The dataset covers the topography of <span itemprop="spatial"  itemscope itemtype="">the Netherlands (<span itemprop="address">nl</span>)</span>, measured <span itemprop="temporal" itemscope itemtype=""> from <span itemprop="startTime">2011</span> through <span itemprop="endTime">2012</span>.
<img src="" alt="three star open Web data" />

h2. Formats

The data is available in pointclouds (las) and as a map (tiff).

h2. Services

Using the AHN2 as a background map can be done using one of the WMS services:

The full list is available at []

The relevant url's are:
- []
- []

- []
- []

- []
- []

- []
- []

If you're using QGIS you can use the [pdok plugin|] which is very [handy|] (in dutch).

h2. Downloading

To download the data use one of the atomfeeds to get a list of files.


h2. Examples

h4. Qgis

Load the PDOK plugin. Add the AHN2 WMTS service from the list (for viewing). You should see something like:


h4. Python

Notebook: []

h4. Matlab

OpenEarthTOols has a function {{wcs}} and {{wms}} for using the web services, which can be dowloaded [here|] after [registration|Join+OpenEarth].

server = '';
[url,OPT,lim] = wcs('server',server,...
    'coverage','ahn2:ahn2_5m',... % shoudl not work: GeoTIFF (case)
    'axis',[94000 466000 96000 468000],...


h4. other

Grontmij made a nice [overview of possible use cases|].

h2. Issues

The WCS of does not seem to support v1.1.0, only 1.0.0 and 1.1.1.
The WMTS layer does not seem to work when zoomed out in QGIS.