Project BwN DM 1.1, Deliverable 2009

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The OpenEarth data uploading protocol is a refinement of the following mission statement:

"All environmental data gathered with tax-payer money should be freely available on the internet according to international standards to all fellow scientists in specific and all citizens in general for the overall benefit of mankind."

A number of specific criteria are posed to meet this mission statement.

Data (products) collected with tax-payer money should:

OpenEarth has designed a system with various open source components that fulfills the above criteria.

Raw data server

All raw data and all processing tools to transform the raw data into usable date products are to be stored in a repository. The main function of this repository is archiving, not dissemination. The contents of the repository should be sufficient to regenerate data products from the raw data. This processing tools should be fully open to allow for thorough peer-review as described by Popper. The raw data repository should assign version numbers to raw data + scripts, such that any state of the data products has a unique version number.

In summary the lay-out of raw data repository looks like:
         \_data file_1
         \_data file_2
         \_data file_n
         \_script_to_make_netCDF_file (see below)
         \_script_to_make_kml_file (see below)

Processed data format


Processed data server


In summary the lay-out of the OPeNDAP server looks like:

Data store in PostgreSQL/PostGIS database is only visible through the use of a client like pgAdmin. Software is freely available at There is a readonly OpenEarth account available.

The postgres database can be reached by the URL username is OpenEarth, password is oet@BWN, database is BWN.

Visualized data and server


In summary the lay-out of the kml server looks like:
       \_data file_1.kml
       \_data file_2.kml
       \_data file_n.kml

Data in the database can be disseminated through the geoserver. The geoserver can be found at In the document presented above there is a paragraph on the way to disseminate data (information). The functions in the database enable various ways of aggregation of the data.

Status BwN datasets

The current status of the Building with Nature datasets can be found in this excelsheet