Using subversion you can compare latex files by using the latexdiff-vc script. I tried to get this to work under windows with tortoise svn. You have to add an option in the advanced settings for the diff viewer. I added to .tex :

d:\tools\texdiff.cmd %base %mine 
d:\perl\bin\perl -w "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\scripts\latexdiff\perl\" --force --pdf %1 %2
rem pause rem use this for debugging purposes.

This didn't work because the script contained some bash specific things (; as a command separator). So I updated this as well

I also added a part to start the pdf file after it as generated

    if ($^O =~ /win32|dos/i){
        my $pdffile;
        my ($fileBaseName, $dirName, $fileExtension);
        ($fileBaseName, $dirName, $fileExtension) = fileparse($diff, ('\.tex') );
        $pdffile="$fileBaseName.pdf" ;
        system("start $pdffile");

After you set that up and installed perl and pdflatex you end up with a nicely marked up pdf with the changes.