
Imports time series data from files in CSV format without column headers.

To use this import in FEWS configuration: <importType>TvaHourlyWaterViewCsv</importType>


Here is an example:


This file is also available for download in the attachments.

Details of the import format

The field separator is a comma (,).
The decimal separator is a period (.).
The location id is taken from the first three letters in the filename.
The date and time are taken from the the filename after the location id in the format "yyyyMMddHH"

For example the file APH2013122210.dat contains values for location id "APH" on December 22nd 2013 at 10:00.


The columns contain values for different parameters:

1: "HeadElev"
2: "TailElev"
3: "TurbDisch"
7: "Spill"
8: "PumpCFS"
9: "PumpMWH"
12: "GenMWH"
15: "StationServ"
35: "GrossGenMWH"
38: "GrossPumpMWH"
43: "WVStrtTime"
44: "RiverDO"
45: "RiverTemp"
46: "Wv4"

Java source code
