Delft-FEWS supports several plug-in displays that can optionally be included in the configuration for a particular forecasting system. These displays implement the Delft-FEWS display plug-in interface, and while the list included here is a standard feature of Delft-FEWS, specific plug-in displays may be included as well. Multiple instances of each plug-in display can be applied, each with a unique name as registered in the DisplayInstanceDescriptors (see System configuration). Each plug-in display used must of a supported type as registered in the DisplayDescriptors (see System configuration). The display may be initiated from the fewsExplorer by defining a call to the display in toolbar or in the tools menu (see configuration of the FEWS Explorer).
Plug-in displays distributed as a standard feature of Delft-FEWS are:
- Grid display
- Longitudinal Display
- What-If scenario display
- Lookup Table display
- Correlation display
The main map display and the time series display are not considered optional and therefore form a part of the System configuration
- 01 Grid Display
- 02 Longitudinal Display - EOL
- 03 What-If Scenario Display - EOL t.b.d.
- 04 Lookup Table Display
- 05 Correlation Display
- 06 System Monitor Display
- 07 Skill Score Display
- 08 Time Series Modifiers
- 09 State editor display
- 10 Interactive forecast display
- 11 Threshold Display
- 12 Task Run Dialog Display
- 13 Manual Forecast Display — Configure the Manual Forecast Display:
- 14 ChartLayer
- 15 Schematic Status Display
- 16 Modifier display
- 17 TimeSeriesButtonsPanels
- 18 Sample Viewer
- 19 Module Run Table Display
- 20 Tabular Config Files Display
- 21 Archive display
- 22 Forecast Management
- 23 Attribute filter
- 24 Web Browser Display
- 25 WaterCoach
- 26 Verification Analysis Display
- 27 Forecaster Aid Selection Panel
- 28 GeoMap
- 29 Time Series Table Display
- 30 Annotation Display
- 31. KFlows Display
- 32. IDMA Display
- 33 Value Properties Entry Display