System Wide Threshold Events Display
This display provides users with a system wide overview of all threshold crossing events (as generated when you run ThresholdEventCrossing module in workflows where timeseries are generated). This display makes use of the already existing threshold configuration in the 'thresholdValueSets.xsd' and the 'thresholdDisplayConfig' that is available in the 'timeSeriesDisplayConfig.xsd'.
Activate Display
The thresholds display can be activated by adding the following explorer task in the Explorer.xml file:
<explorerTask name="Events"> <iconFile>table.png</iconFile> <mnemonic>T</mnemonic> <taskClass>nl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.thresholdeventsviewer.ThresholdEventsTableViewer</taskClass> <toolbarTask>true</toolbarTask> <menubarTask>true</menubarTask> <allowMultipleInstances>false</allowMultipleInstances> <accelerator>ctrl T</accelerator> <loadAtStartup>false</loadAtStartup> </explorerTask>
Since 2019.02 it got its own display config file: ThresholdEventsDisplay.xml
<explorerTask name="Events"> <iconFile>Warnings.png</iconFile> <mnemonic>E</mnemonic> <displayConfigFileName>ThresholdEventsDisplay</displayConfigFileName> <toolbarTask>true</toolbarTask> <menubarTask>true</menubarTask> <allowMultipleInstances>false</allowMultipleInstances> <accelerator>ctrl E</accelerator> <loadAtStartup>false</loadAtStartup> </explorerTask>
Configure Display
The thresholds display does not require a display configurations file, it is possible to use some advanced features when a thresholdEventDisplay configuration file is added. For normal applications the display obtains all information for thresholds configuration that is already available in the ThresholdsValueSets.xml file and also in the TimeSeriesDisplayConfig.xml file.
Since 2019.02 specific config options for this display are available used to specify time series sets to find time series for target location id's belonging to threshold events.
<thresholdEventsDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <timeSeriesSet> <moduleInstanceId>Import_FloodWarning</moduleInstanceId> <valueType>scalar</valueType> <parameterId>Threshold</parameterId> <locationSetId>UK_Flood_Warning_Alert</locationSetId> <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType> <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/> <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-24" end="0"/> <readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode> </timeSeriesSet> </thresholdEventsDisplay>
Firstly most information is retrieved from the ThresholdValueSets file. In this file all threshold levels are configured with relations to timeseries sets. For the purpose of the Thresholds Display some configuration options have been added to the ThresholdValueSets file to control the view period and visibility of the threshold events.
ThresholdValueSets - EventTimeViewPeriod
This configuration option consists of a relative view period that controls which threshold events are shown in the display by default. The relative period is converted to an absolute period based on the current system time. Only threshold events will be shown if their Event Time lies within the configured period. Changing the System Time is one way to change the view period the events. The other way to change the view period is described in the section on filtering.
Each thresholdValueSet file can contain a single EventTimeViewPeriod element. When multiple thresholdValueSet files are configured and they each have their own relative period then the overal view period is an extension of all the individual view periods.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <thresholdValueSets xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <thresholdValueSet id="010H" name="H 010"> ... </thresholdValueSet> <eventTimeViewPeriod start="0" end="7" unit="day"/> </thresholdValueSets>
ThresholdValueSets - VisibleInEventsDisplay
This configuration options allows you to control the visibility of threshold values. The 'visibleInEventsDisplay' field can be set for each threshold value separately. By default all threshold values are visible. To hide none interesting threshold values from being shown in the display, they must have their visibleInEventsDisplay value set to 'false'.
<thresholdValueSet id="013H" name="H 013"> <levelThresholdValue> <levelThresholdId>Alarm</levelThresholdId> <value>8.10</value> <visibleInEventsDisplay>false</visibleInEventsDisplay> </levelThresholdValue> ...
TimeSeriesDisplayConfig - ThresholdDisplayConfig
The second place where the thresholds display retrieves configuration information is from the TimSeriesDisplayConfig file. This file already contains an element that allows you to control the colors of the threshold values shown in the TimeSeries dialog. This section is also used by the threholds display to color the text in the Threshold Id column.
<thresholdDisplayConfig> <thresholdDisplayOptions id="Alarm"> <color>orange</color> </thresholdDisplayOptions> <thresholdDisplayOptions id="AlarmFase1"> <color>orange red</color> </thresholdDisplayOptions> <thresholdDisplayOptions id="AlarmFase2"> <color>red</color> </thresholdDisplayOptions> <thresholdDisplayOptions id="AlarmFase3"> <color>indian red</color> </thresholdDisplayOptions> </thresholdDisplayConfig>
The functionality of the Thresholds Display closely resembles that of the 'Database Viewer'. By clicking on a value in one of the columns the table will be filtered for that value. By clicking again on the same column the filter is removed. The Thresholds Display offers two special filter options; Event Time and Event Value
Event Time
When filtering the Event Time column a pop-up display appears allowing the user the overrule and extend the default view period that is controlled by the EventTimeViewPeriod. In the pop-up the user can explicitly select a start and end time for displaying event times.
Event Value
When filtering the Event Value column a pop-up display appears allowing the user to choose how to filter the value column. Options are equal to ('='), greater than ('>') or less than ('<') the entered value.
Since 2019.02, it will automatically filter on all locations from the selected IFD node. When there are no explicit locations linked to a node, there will be no filtering
Acknowledging Events
The Thresholds Display offers the user the ability to 'acknowledge' events. By acknowledging an event a user indicates that a Threshold Event has been seen and the required actions have been taken. On acknowledgement of events the time of acknowledgement and the user that acknowledged the event are registered. This information is stored together with the event data in the ThresholdEvents table.
Events can either be acknowledged by selection or all none-acknowledged events can be acknowledged in one single action. Acknowledging of events can be done by clicking the right-mouse button and selecting the Acknowledge options in the pop-up menu.
Showing and hiding columns
Since 2019.02 it is possible to choose which columns should be visible and which not, the choices will be stored in the user settings.