The report template uses tags as placeholders to identify the location of objects in the report. Furthermore, these tags can also be used in report tables 'rowPerLocationHtmlTable' and 'rowPerLocationCvsTable'.
In the following table the available tags are described.
For tags in snapshots or animations of the Schematic Status Display, please refer to the list of tags in the Schematic Status Display configuration documentation.
Tag | Description |
$CURRENTTIME(dateFormatId)$ | The actual time the report was generated. This is the local time. |
$LOCATIONNAME(variableId)$ | The location name associated with a time series. |
$LOCATIONATTRIBUTE( attribute; variableId;<numberFormat>)$ | Arguments: 2-3 -attribute: the location attribute to put in the report. - variableId: refers to the variableId assigned to the time series in the report configuration. - numberFormatId: specified in the configuration file, sets the formatting for the values to be displayed |
$TIMEZERO(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | The time zero of the forecast run in which the time series is created. |
$FIRSTVALUE(variableId; numberFormatId)$ | the first reliable or doubtful value in the time series |
$FIRSTVALUETIME(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | the date and time of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$FIRSTVALUECOMMENT(variableId)$ | the comment of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$FIRSTVALUEATTRIBUTE(variableId; valueAttributeMapId)$ | The attribute of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$LASTVALUE(variableId; numberFormatId)$ | the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series |
$LASTVALUETIME(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | the date and time of the most recent reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$LASTVALUECOMMENT(variableId)$ | the comment of the most recent reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$LASTVALUEATTRIBUTE(variableId; valueAttributeMapId)$ | The attribute of the most recent reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array |
$MINVALUE(variableId; numberFormatId)$ | The minimum value found in the time series |
$MAXVALUE(variableId; numberFormatId)$ | The maximum value found in the time series |
$MINTIME(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | The date/time of minimum value found in the time series (closest occurrence to T0) |
$MAXTIME(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | The date/time of maximum value found in the time series (closest occurrence to T0) |
$MAXWARNINGLEVEL(variableId, defaultThresholdGroupId)$ | returns the name of the highest warning level threshold that has been crossed |
$INDEXVALUE(timeSeriesIndex; variableId; numberFormatId)$ | Template function to insert the value at a given timeIndex in a given timeSeries. The timeIndex should be specified relative to the index of timeZero of the workflow run. Index of time zero is 0. Configure negative index to get a value before time zero, and positive index to get a value after time zero. |
$INDEXTIME(timeSeriesIndex; variableId; dateFormatId)$ | Template function to insert the time at a given timeIndex in a given timeSeries. The timeIndex should be specified relative to the index of timeZero of the workflow run. Index of time zero is 0. Configure negative index to get a value before time zero, and positive index to get a value after time zero. |
$INDEXMAXWARNINGLEVEL(timeSeriesIndex; variableId; defaultThresholdGroupId)$ | Template function to insert the name of the most severe warning level of all thresholds that have been crossed for a given timeIndex in a given timeSeries. The timeIndex should be specified relative to the index of timeZero of the workflow run. Index of time zero is 0. Configure negative index to get a value before time zero, and positive index to get a value after time zero. If only one thresholdGroup or no thresholdGroups configured, then can leave out the optional argument defaultThresholdGroupId. |
$INDEXMAXWARNINGLEVELCOLOR(timeSeriesIndex; variableId)$ | Template function to insert the html color code (e.g. #FFFF00) of the most severe warning level of all thresholds that have been crossed for a given timeIndex in a given timeSeries. The timeIndex should be specified relative to the index of timeZero of the workflow run. Index of time zero is 0. Configure negative index to get a value before time zero, and positive index to get a value after time zero. |
$EXTERNALFORECASTINGSTARTTIME(variableId; dateFormatId)$ | returns the start of the external forecast Arguments: 2 |
$FORECASTNAME(variableId)$ | The name or description of the forecast. |
$DEFINITION(definitionId)$ | The definition tag provides a means to enter some additional textual information into a report. This information can be set for all reports at once, through the defineGlobal element of the declarations section or for each report through the defineLocal element in the reports section. |
$FILERESOURCE(resourceId)$ | The fileresource tag provides a means to include an external file into the report. This may be any file, as long as it is permissible in the report file. The inclusion is |
$TABLE(tableId)$ | Inserts a table. The layout of the table is defined in the report configuration files. |
$CHART(chartId)$ | Inserts a reference to the filename of the chart. The chart is created in the same directory as the report file. The reference is inserted without any path prefixes. This feature will only be useful in XML or HTML report files. |
$SUMMARY(summaryId)$ | Inserts a map with overlying text, symbols or values of configured timeseries. This is a complex tag that requires substantial preparation in the configuration. |
$STATUS(statusId)$ | Inserts a table created using a SQL query on the database. The table may be additionally formatted. |
$LOGENTRY(eventCode)$ | Inserts a log message using the eventCode as a 'filter' to retrieve certain types or error messages. |
$FILECONTENT(fileName)$ | The filecontent tag provides a means to merge a referenced file into the report. Intended use is the possibility to merge different reports into one report that can be imported in for example MS Word. Arguments: 1 - fileName: Name of the file whose content will be Included. The location of the file to be included has to be relative to the template output directory. |
$USERNAME()$ | Inserts the users display name. Arguments: 0 |
$THRESHOLDCROSSING(key; variableId; numberFormatId>)$ | Template function to insert threshold crossing information for the given time series. Arguments: 2-3 - key: specifies which threshold crossing information should be given. The following keys can be used: FIRST_THRESHOLDNAME: name of the first level threshold that has been crossed - variableId : refers to the variableId assigned to the time series in the report configuration. |
$INDEXMAXWARNINGLEVELCOLOR_TIDENUMBER(timeSeriesIndex; referenceVariableId; tideVariableId, variableId)$ | This function is used to create a warning map containing colored coastal areas based on expected exceedances for certain high water levels. Arguments: 4
$THRESHOLDCROSSINGLABEL (key; variableId; label)$ | Template function to insert threshold crossing information for the specific threshold , that meets the following condition: the label must match the ‘ targetLocatioId’ of the thresholdValueSet . This ‘ targetLocatioId’ is a result of the solving the <targetLocationIdFunction> configured in ThresholdValueSets.xml Arguments: 3 key: specifies which threshold crossing information should be given. The following keys can be used: variableId: refers to the variableId assigned to the time series in the report configuration. |
$STATISTICS(statistical function; variableId;numberFormatId)$ | Template function to insert the result of the given statistical function for the given timeSeries. Arguments: 2-3 - statistical function : name of the statistical function to evaluate. Presently the followig functions are available: COUNT, KURTOSIS, MEAN, MEDIAN, MIN, RMSQ, RSQUARED, SKEWNESS, STANDARD_DEVIATION, SUM, VARIANCE - variableId : refers to the variableId assigned to the time series in the report configuration. - numberFormatId : optional, specified in the configuration file, sets the formatting for the values to be displayed |
$IMAGE_BASE64(report-image.png)$ | Template function to replace the content of an image by its base64 version. Typically used for charts or spatialPlotSnapshots. To use this feature, the embedImagesInReport has to be set to true and will only work for a database. Arguments: 1 - imageName : name of the image to be replaced by its base64 counterpart. |