This transformation calculates a weighted average of of a parameter (for example water temperature) measured at the same location, but at different heights (different sigma layers). Each sigma layer is represented by a TimeSeriesSet. (They have to have the same geometry). The entire (water) depth is divided into layers (this includes the water stand (low/high tide) and the changing water bed level.). The sigma layers are the center points of these water layers.

Locations used for this transformation must have a sigma coordinate configured.

All layers (grids) must have the same geometry.

In the average calculation the weight of the parameter is the thickness of the water layer it was measured in. The calculation is done per grid cell. The (vertical) area that should be averaged is configurable. This area can contain more water layers, partial water layers, or a single (partial) layer. If the averaging area contains a partial layer, the weight of that water layer is only the part that is included in the calculation. If the averaging area start and end are the same the transformation simply extracts the temperature of one layer from the time series array.

config example:

    <transformation id="StatisticsVerticalAverageGridSigmaLayerFunctionTest">

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