Questions regarding the use of Harbor

After requesting a project in Harbor you can visit to start making use of the container registry. The website is accessible using your Deltares credentials.

For Docker:

docker pull<<Harbor Project name>>/<<Image Repository Name>>:<<Tag>>

For Singularity:

singularity run oras://<<Harbor Project name>>/<<Image Repository Name>>:<<Tag>>

To be able to push an image to a project in Harbor you need to log in via the terminal. For this you will need your Deltares email address and cli secret. The CLI secret can be found in the Harbor web interface After logging in you will be able to retrieve your cli secret by clicking on your name in the top right corner and going to "User Profile".

After obtaining your CLI secret you can open a terminal and entering the following command:

docker login -u <<deltares_email>> -p <<cli_secret>>

When the log in is succesful you can push to Harbor repositories you have access to using the following commands.

For Docker:

docker tag <<local_container_name>><<Harbor Project name>>/<<Image Repository Name>>:<<Tag>>
docker push<<Harbor Project name>>/<<Image Repository Name>>:<<Tag>>

For Singularity:

singularity push <<local_container_name>>.sif oras://<<Harbor Project name>>/<<Image Repository Name>>:<<Tag>>

To be able to have your build pipeline automatically publish an image you need a robot account. To request a robot account for your project please submit a question via the "Submit a question" option on this wiki. This robot account will have a token attached to it that you can use to configure access via your build pipeline.

TODO: add Teamcity config information here.

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  1. Pulling/pushing using apptainer required a separate login command for me:

    apptainer remote login --username <<deltares_email>> oras:// 

    Apptainer asks you to enter your password/token interactively. Entering your Harbor CLI secret here works

  2. When (re)tagging and pushing a Windows Docker Container, the https:// on both commands lead to a syntax error. These are the right ones (example):

    PS> docker tag msbuildtools2022-embarcadero:latest

    PS> docker push