From ad hoc decisions on a local scale towards planned actions for the region: Building a Megasite Management Plan


In the previous sections all the preparatory work for the Megasite Management Plan (MMP) has been done. To start with, a group of stakeholders (GOS) has been formed, boundary conditions are known and the conceptual model (CM) has been built. There is a clear picture of the contamination situation, the geo(hydro)logical conditions, receptors, the potential of Natural Attenuation (NA) and the resulting risks. Based on this information the megasite has been divided into clusters. For each cluster long-term risk reduction targets have been defined, and a cost-efficiency analysis has been performed to determine and select the Preferred RMS.

The general objective of the MMP is to manage the risks related to soil and groundwater contamination at the megasite according to pre-agreed objectives and in a cost-effective way. The MMP has to be integrated into the general socio-economic development and spatial planning programmes for the area. At the same time, the MMP has to be in line with the interests of the stakeholders and meet the requirements of legislation and the authorities concerned. This goal may therefore only be achieved in a public-private partnership.

The procedure for developing, implementing and reviewing the MMP is structured according to the management principles of the ‘Plan-do-check-act’ Demming circle (Edward Demming circle for total quality management):

  1. Organisation of the megasite management
  2. Planning of management activities

The review and adjustment process (step 4 and 5) will be dealt with in IMS Process Review.


The main output is the developed and worked-out MMP for the cost-effective management of the risks related to soil and groundwater in a manner acceptable to all stakeholders.

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