Blog from November, 2008

A bit of symbology for point layers

There are still some nasty bugs in theme dialog ... we have to refactor it completely, it's a bit of a mess now.

NetCDF as output format

Attached is the powerpoint of the october internal NetCDF course for fortran 90 programmers.

The documention which was used in the course can be found using the following links:

Use of SLD for future versions of DelftShell

Currently our theme for layers provides minimal functionality, in the future version we probably should use SLD Styled Layer Descriptor, an OGC standard (see

Here is an example how Google Maps symbology can be configured using SLD:

Check for examples.

Testing using TDD

Blogs to read, ReSharper

This seems to be one of the blogs which developers working with Visual Studio / ReSharper should monitor regularly: Ilya Ryzhenkov is a product manager of ReSharper.

For example, I've read about AgentSmith plugin for ReSharper which automatically checks naming conventions and spelling - very handy, however some things should be disabled, like: field names should start with '_' and test methods should srart with 'Test'.

We have scheduled the following sprint sessions in November 2008:

  • Wednesday 5 November 2008: Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Germany
  • Thursday 6 November 2008: HKV, The Netherlands
  • Thursday 13 November 2008: Nelen & Schuurmans, The Netherlands
  • Wednesday 19 November 2008: Deltares, The Netherlands
  • Thursday 27 November 2008: Grontmij, The Netherlands

We are heading for a great success!!!! See figure below with Cypress Creek, Houston, Texas project in the new user interface. Keep up doing the good work!