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The aim of this page is to collect information on SOBEK Model parameters.

SOBEK 1DFLOW(Rural) Module

SOBEK 1DFLOW(Rural) Module settings are:

Time settings are:

  • Time step in computation:
  • ?

Simulation settings are:

  • Simulation Mode:
  • ?

Advanced settings are:

  • Lateral flow design factor:
  • ?

Initial-data settings are:

  • Initial flow:
  • Initial water level:
  • Initial depth in channels:
  • ?

Output options are:

  • Output timestep:
  • ?

Numerical parameters are:

  • ?

The Unidata UDUNITS Package


The Unidata units library supports conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms, arithmetic manipulation of unit specifications, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement. The package (as standalone) has interfaces to C Language and FORTRAN language.
However, it forms also part of the NetCDF-Java 2.2 Library (which is a Java interface to NetCDF files) specifically, ucar.nc2 and ucar.units packages.


The project provides system of unit, units and converters interfaces. By default, the used system of units is SI (International System of Units). Imperial units system is the other possible option.

The Interfaces defined in DelftTools.Units project are shown below:


Simple unit
IDimension lengthDimansion = new Dimension("Length", "L");

IUnit meter = new Unit("meter", "m", lengthDimansion);
Transformed Unit
/// TransformedUnit = Multiplier . BaseUnit^Power + Offset
ITransformedUnit squareMeter = new TransformedUnit(SI.BaseUnits.Meter, 1, 2, 0);



Assert.AreEqual(0, squareMeter.Offset);


Product Unit
/// ProductUnit = ProductUnit1 * ProductUnit2 * ... * ProductUnitN

IUnit meter = new Unit("meter", "m", SI.BaseDimensions.Length);
IUnit kilogram = new Unit("kilogram", "kg", SI.BaseDimensions.Mass);
IUnit second = new Unit("second", "s", SI.BaseDimensions.Time);
IProductUnit forceUnit = new ProductUnit("newton");
forceUnit.ProductUnits.Add(new TransformedUnit(second, 1.0, -2.0, 0.0));
Assert.AreEqual("L.M.T^-2", forceUnit.Dimension.Symbol);
Assert.AreEqual("m.kg.s^-2", forceUnit.Symbol);
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