#!/usr/bin/env python #OPENDAP_SUBSETTING_WITH_PYTHON_TUTORIAL how to benefit from OPeNDAP subsetting in python # # This tutorial is also available for Matlab # #See also: OPeNDAP_access_with_Matlab_tutorial.py # $Id: OPeNDAP_subsetting_with_python_tutorial.py 8725 2013-05-29 21:21:10Z boer_g $ # $Date: 2013-05-29 23:21:10 +0200 (Wed, 29 May 2013) $ # $Author: boer_g $ # $Revision: 8725 $ # $HeadURL: https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/openearthtools/trunk/python/OpenEarthTools/openearthtools/io/opendap/OPeNDAP_subsetting_with_python_tutorial.py $ # $Keywords: $ # This document is also posted on a wiki: http://public.deltares.nl/display/OET/OPeNDAP+subsetting+with+python # Read data from an opendap server import urllib import numpy as np import netCDF4 import pydap import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab # from opendap import opendap # OpenEarthTools module, see above that makes pypdap quack like netCDF4 # Define data on an opendap server # for converting non-open access GECBO grids to same netCDF structure: see https://repos.deltares.nl/repos/OpenEarthRawData/trunk/gebco/ gridurls = ['http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/etopo1_bed_g2', 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/etopo2_v2c.nc', 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/srtm30plus_v1.nc', 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/srtm30plus_v6', 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/smith_sandwell_v9.1.nc', 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/smith_sandwell_v11', r'F:\checkouts\OpenEarthRawData\gebco\raw\gebco_30sec.nc', r'F:\checkouts\OpenEarthRawData\gebco\raw\gebco_1min.nc'] lineurl = 'http://opendap.deltares.nl/thredds/dodsC/opendap/noaa/gshhs/gshhs_i.nc'; # Get line data: 1D vectors are small, so we can get all data linedata = netCDF4.Dataset(lineurl) # opendap(url_line) # when netCDF4 was not compiled with OPeNDAP lines = dict( lon=linedata.variables['lon'][:], lat=linedata.variables['lat'][:] ) linedata.close() # Define bounding box BB = dict( lon=[ 0, 10], lat=[50, 55] ) for i,ncfile in enumerate(gridurls): print ncfile # Get grid data grid = netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile) # opendap(ncfile) # when netCDF4 was not compiled with OPeNDAP # Get all data from lat and lon, but just a pointer to the topography # Because getting it all takes a bit too long lat = grid.variables['lat'][:] lon = grid.variables['lon'][:] # nonzero returns a tuple of idx per dimension # we're unpacking the tuple here so we can lookup max and min (latidx,) = np.logical_and(lat >= BB['lat'][0], lat < BB['lat'][1]).nonzero() (lonidx,) = np.logical_and(lon >= BB['lon'][0], lon < BB['lon'][1]).nonzero() # assert lat.shape[0] == grid.variables['topo'].shape[0], 'We assume first dim is lat here' assert lon.shape[0] == grid.variables['topo'].shape[1], 'We assume 2nd dim is lon here' # get rid of the non used lat/lon now lat = lat[latidx] lon = lon[lonidx] # Get the topography data with the new indices topo = grid.variables['topo'][latidx.min():latidx.max(), lonidx.min():lonidx.max()] title = grid.title # remember so we can close the file before plotting grid.close() Lon,Lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) # make a pcolormesh (the fastest way to plot simple grids) mesh = plt.pcolormesh(Lon,Lat,topo) plt.plot(lines['lon'],lines['lat'],'k') # some customizations (called on the axes and figure) mesh.axes.set_title(title) mesh.axes.set_aspect(1/np.cos(np.pi*np.mean(BB['lat'])/180.)) # set aspect to match meters plt.xlim(BB['lon'][0],BB['lon'][1]) plt.ylim(BB['lat'][0],BB['lat'][1]) mesh.axes.set_xlabel('lon [deg]') mesh.axes.set_ylabel('lat [deg]') plt.clim(-50,150) mesh.figure.colorbar(mesh) # use the mesh to make a colorbar # Save the figure mesh.figure.savefig('%s.png' % title) mesh.figure.clf()