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Wiki Markup

Table of Contents

Calibration Display


1. Select the workflow that includes the model to calibrate from the list of available workflows.
2. When the workflow is selected the General Adapter Module Instance of the external module should be selected from the list. This General Adapter Module Instance must include configured elements that export model parameter files, adapted by the Calibration utility.
3. Select the time period to calibrate for by entering a start date and an end date
4. Select the observed time series; this is the time series that will be used to compare the model results with. It is important to select the correct module instance id that generated the observed time series (most often an import module instance) and the correct location id and parameter id.
5. Select the simulated time series that should be compared with the observed time series. The module instance id of this time series will be the module instance of the module to calibrate.
6. Enter a period for the Grace period. The model results produced in the grace period will not be included in the calibration optimisation.
7. Select the cold state group that will be used in the workflow.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Once the selection has been entered in the Model Calibration tab it can be stored to a file by pressing the \ [Save\] button. Next time the calibration utility is used the \ [Load\] button can be used to load the selection.

Model Parameters

The Model Parameters tab includes a spreadsheet with all model parameters that can be adjusted by the calibration utility.


1. The calibration method to be used- thus may either be the Local gradient method "SuperDUD" or the global "SCE-UA" method. At the moment only the SuperDUD method is implemented.
2. The performance indicator to be used in calibration. The enumeration of this is "BIAS", "MAE", "MSE", "NS", "PEAK_MSE" and "PERCENT_VOLUME".
3. A number of termination criteria. All are available and may be selected for application or not considered:
a) Maximum number of runs.
b) Threshold change in performance
c) Threshold change in parameter vector



The results tab shows the calibration results in a graph. To start the calibration utility the \ [Run\] button must be pressed. The workflow will be started and the model parameters adjusted by the calibration utility. The user can follow the calibration progress by analysing the graph and the current iteration and current performance values located in the progress info frame.

Wiki MarkupAfter the calibration run is completed you can select to see a report by pressing the \ [Report\] button. The report of the calibration run contains information on the model parameters that have been optimised in each iteration step.

Wiki MarkupBy pressing \ [Close\] the Calibration display can be closed.

Working efficiently with calibration
