Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleTimeSeriesExportRun in DCM with filter on export
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesExportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
			<bool value="false" key="includeFlags"/>
			<bool value="false" key="includeComments"/>
			<title>Export of LMW_lixhe datafeed</title>
			<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="10"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-3" end="0"/>
			<readWriteMode>read complete forecast</readWriteMode>


Variant 3: Import, (dis)Aggregation, Export.

Variant 3: Import, (dis)Aggregation, Export.

The third workflow variant is used when the original import data does not have the appropriate timestep. In Delft-FEWS it is relatively simple to convert the original import data to the appropriate timestep by using a (dis-)aggregation function.

However, in order to perform a (dis-)aggregation it is necessary to have data for multiple timesteps. In an operational system the following aspects have to be taken into account:

  • It is likely that external data is delivered per timestep. Hence, these files only contain data for one single timestep.
  • One of the characteristics of the DCM is that it removes all information from its localDataStore when Delft-FEWS is closed. Consequently, import files from previous DCM runs are not available in the current DCM run.

This means that simply adding a (dis-)aggregation transformation will not work because there is only information for a single timestep. In order to prevent this problem several modules are added to the workflow which enable the ‘storage’ of information from previous timesteps.

In Figure 13 a schematic illustration of this third workflow variant is given. In this workflow an additional import from the back-up folder is added. The files from the back-up folder contain the import data from the previous DCM runs. In the second step of this workflow the files from both imports are merged. The merge transformation contains a hierarchy which states that the (new) import data is more important than the (old) back-up import data. The result of this merge transformation is a new timeseries which contains both new and old import data. Part of this new timeseries is exported to the back-up folder to serve as back-up timeseries in the next DCM run.

This approach guarantees the availability of a timeseries that contains data for multiple timesteps. It is now possible to carry out a (dis-)aggregation transformation to convert the import data to the appropriate timestep. 


Figure 13 This construction is needed whenever functionalities are used that need data from previous DCM runs. The extra export/import routine ensures that the user has data from previous DCM runs.  


  • 1st argument:   Name of region directory containing all configuration files (DataConversion_SA). If the region directory is not located in the same directory as the script then a path is required.
  • 2nd argument:  Name of the DCM configuration file (here we use the dataconversion.xml). If the DCM configuration file is not located in the root of the region directory then a path is required.
  • 3rd argument:   Path to the directory containing the Delft-FEWS binaries (bin). Can be omitted if the script is executed from within the ‘bin’ directory.

Running DCM as a script from command line (example).

Figure  x 14Screenshot of the command prompt when running the DCM on a Windows machine.
