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There are four simple tools to manipulate, check or convert GEF files. Each tool has a page of itself, describing the possibilities and restrictions of the tool. On each page you can follow the link to the download section. All tools are written for the Windows platform.


  • ImportGEFintoExcel is a tool which converts a GEF file into two sheets of an Excel file. Header and data are split and stored into two separate sheets. This program works as an ActiveX client of Excel, so Excel must be installed on your PC. For more info see From GEF to Excel.


  • GEFmanipulation allows the user to check the validity of files. Furthermore one can select columns or delete scans. Finally GEF files can be translated into binary or ascii variants. For more information, see GEFmanipulation.


  • Skipscans reduces the number of scans in a binary GEF file. If a file is too large to be imported into Excel, (more than 65535 scans) one can reduce the number of scans. For more information, see Reduction of scans.


  • Zoomsave is a GUI controled tool to zoom in on the data of interest, removing the not so very interesting scans. For more information, see Select a range of scans


  • GEFplot is a GUI controled tool to visualise the data of a GEF file. It allows for one Cartesian set of axes, mulitple lines, grid, orientation, zooming in on your data and printing. For more information, see GEFplot.