Versions Compared


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Here is the material corresponding to the SOBEK 3 scripting tutorial.

  • Data for the 2.1x SOBEK model.

  • Measurements of water level at gauging station.

  • Data to build the SOBEK 3 model step by step.

  • Script corresponding to this tutorial. The folder structure assumed in this script can be different from the one in your computer. So the script should be adapted before being run.


Code Block
titleCode for SOBEK 3 scripting tutorial
#region STEP 1: Import libraries and set data path
from datetime import datetime, time
from Libraries.ChartFunctions import *
from Libraries.Sobek2Functions import *
from Libraries.NetworkFunctions import BranchObjectType
from Libraries.SobekWaterFlowFunctions import *
from Libraries.StandardFunctions import *
import Libraries.MapFunctions as mf
from Libraries.SOBEKTutorialLibrary import *

rootPath = r"D:\DSDNov2014\data"
#region STEP 2: Set up flow model
#region STEP 2, OPTION A: Import SOBEK 2.13 model (Zwolle)
model213Path = rootPath + r"\SW_max.lit\2"
hydroModel = ImportSobek2Model(model213Path + r"\NETWORK.TP",False,True,False,False)
flowModel = GetModelByName("water flow 1d")
# Select location for which measurements are available
dataPoint = GetComputationGridLocationByName(flowModel, "3")
dataPoint.Name = "Gauging Station"

#region STEP 2, OPTION B: Import model from multiple source files
#region STEP 2.B.1: Set up model network
network = CreateNetworkFromBranchShapeFile(rootPath + r"\network_Branches.shp")
AddCrossSectionsToNetwork(rootPath + r"\network_Cross Sections.shp", rootPath + r"\CrossSectionProfiles.csv", network)
AddBridgesToNetwork(rootPath + r"\network_Bridges.shp", rootPath + r"\BridgeProfiles.csv", network)
AddBranchObjectsFromShapeFile(BranchObjectType.LateralSource, rootPath + r"\network_Lateral Sources.shp", network)
AddBranchObjectsFromShapeFile(BranchObjectType.Weir , rootPath + r"\network_Weirs.shp", network)
flowModel = WaterFlowModel1D()
flowModel.Network = network
flowModel.Name = "Flow model"
# Show model on map
view = OpenView(flowModel)
# Add satellite image layer 
satLayer = mf.CreateSatelliteImageLayer()
satLayer.ExcludeFromMapExtent = True
map = view.MapView.Map
map.CoordinateSystem = mf.CreateCoordinateSystem(3857) # EPSG code => WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
#region STEP 2.B.2: Add Boundary and Initial Conditions
#region Import and assign BC and Laterals
ImportBoundaryConditions(rootPath + r"\boundaryConditions.csv", flowModel)
ImportLateralData(rootPath + r"\laterals.csv", flowModel)
#region Roughness
SetDefaultRoughness(flowModel, "Main", RoughnessType.StricklerKs, 30)
sectionFloodPlain = AddNewRoughnessSection(flowModel,"FloodPlain")
crs1 = GetItemByName(network.CrossSections, "prof_SW2815-SW2870_Bo")
minY, maxY = GetMinYMaxYofCrossSectionProfile(crs1)
AddCrossSectionRoughness(flowModel, crs1, minY, maxY, sectionFloodPlain)

crs2 = GetItemByName(network.CrossSections, "prof_D20060515-DP-295")
minY, maxY = GetMinYMaxYofCrossSectionProfile(crs2)
AddCrossSectionRoughness(flowModel, crs2, minY, maxY, sectionFloodPlain)
# set initial conditions
SetInitialConditionType(flowModel, InitialConditionType.Depth)
flowModel.DefaultInitialDepth = 3
#region STEP 2.B.3: Space and time discretization
# create computational grid with calculation points at every 0.5 m
CreateComputationalGrid(flowModel, gridAtFixedLength = True, fixedLength = 200)
# Select location for which measurements are available
dataPoint = GetComputationGridLocationByName(flowModel, "stadsgrachten Zwolle Midden_0.000")
dataPoint.Name = "Gauging Station"
SetModelTimes(flowModel, datetime(2007, 1, 15, 1, 0, 0), datetime(2007, 1, 17, 1, 0, 0), time(0,10,0,))
#region STEP 3: Run model
RunModel(flowModel, showDialog=True)
#region STEP 4: Get Water Level measurements and model results at Gauging Station
measuredTimeSeries = GetTimeSeriesFromCSVFile(rootPath + "\waterLevel_at_3_Measured.csv")
# Get timeseries at calculation Gauging Station (begin Zwollen center channels)
calculationPoint = GetComputationGridLocationByName(flowModel, "Gauging Station")
waterlevelResults = GetTimeSeriesFromWaterFlowModel(flowModel, calculationPoint, "Water level")
#region STEP 5: Plot model results and compare with measurement data
dataSeries = CreatePointSeries(measuredTimeSeries)
lineResults = CreateLineSeries(waterlevelResults)
chart = CreateChart([dataSeries, lineResults])
chart.Name = "Water level at center Zwolle channels" 
# Show the chart
view = OpenView(chart)
#region STEP 6: Make chart nicer
lineResults.Title = "Model results"
dataSeries.Title = "Measurements"
dataSeries.Color = Color.Red
dataSeries.Size = 4
dataSeries.LineVisible = True
dataSeries.LineColor = Color.Black
chart.BottomAxis.Title = "Time"
chart.LeftAxis.Title = "Waterlevel [m]"
chart.LeftAxis.Automatic = False
chart.LeftAxis.Maximum = 2
chart.LeftAxis.Minimum = 0
chart.Legend.Visible = True
chart.Legend.Alignment = LegendAlignment.Bottom
chart.Title = "Comparison measurements vs results"
chart.TitleVisible = True
#region STEP 7: Main loop calibration
# Save measurements and initial model results in a list of time series to compare 
timeSeriesToCompare = [measuredTimeSeries, waterlevelResults]
# Selection of parameters used for calibration and their range of variation
bcCalibration = GetBoundaryDataByName(flowModel, "Boxbergen")
rangeBC = [8, 10, 12]
roughnessMain = GetItemByName(flowModel.RoughnessSections, "Main").RoughnessNetworkCoverage
rangeRoughness = [24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34]
# Deviation of current model results with respect to measurements
roughnessInitialValue = roughnessMain.DefaultValue
bcInitialValue = bcCalibration.Flow
warmUpTimeSteps = 20
dev = GetAverageDeviation(measuredTimeSeries, waterlevelResults , startAt = warmUpTimeSteps)
listCalibration = [[bcInitialValue, roughnessInitialValue, dev]]
# Main calibration loop
for bcValue in rangeBC:
    # Adjust boundary condition value
    bcCalibration.Flow = bcValue
    for roughnessValue in rangeRoughness:
        # Adjust default roughness value for roughness section Main     
        roughnessMain.DefaultValue = roughnessValue
        RunModel(flowModel, showDialog=True)
        # Add deviation of results of current run with respect to measurements
        calibResults = GetTimeSeriesFromWaterFlowModel(flowModel, calculationPoint, "Water level")
        deviation = GetAverageDeviation(measuredTimeSeries, calibResults, startAt = warmUpTimeSteps)
        listCalibration.append([bcValue, roughnessValue, deviation])
        # Add timeseries to timeSeriesToCompare list
#region STEP 8: show calibration results in chart
# create line series for timeseries
lineFirstResults = CreateLineSeries(timeSeriesToCompare[1])
lineFirstResults.Title = "Initial model"
lineFirstResults.ShowInLegend = True
lineFirstResults.PointerVisible = False
lineFirstResults.Color = Color.LightGreen
series = [lineFirstResults]
for timeseries in timeSeriesToCompare[2:]:
    lineResults = CreateLineSeries(timeseries)
    lineResults.ShowInLegend = False
    lineResults.Color = Color.Orange
    lineResults.PointerVisible = False
lineResults.ShowInLegend = True
lineResults.Title = "Calibration results"
# create series for measurements
measurementsSeries = CreatePointSeries(measuredTimeSeries)
measurementsSeries.Title = "Measurements"
measurementsSeries.Color = Color.Red
measurementsSeries.Size = 4
measurementsSeries.LineVisible = True
measurementsSeries.LineColor = Color.Black
chartCalibration = CreateChart(series)
chartCalibration.Name = "Calibration using water level at center Zwolle channels"
chartCalibration.Title = "Comparison measurements vs results"
chartCalibration.TitleVisible = True
chartCalibration.Legend.Visible = True
chartCalibration.BottomAxis.Title = "Time"
chartCalibration.LeftAxis.Title = "Waterlevel [m]"
chartCalibration.LeftAxis.Automatic = False
chartCalibration.LeftAxis.Maximum = 2
chartCalibration.LeftAxis.Minimum = -0.5
# Show the chart
viewCalibration = OpenView(chartCalibration)
#region STEP 9: calculate goodness and select best fit
indexBestFit = -1
bcBestFit = 1e100
roughnessBestFit = 1e100
devBestFit = 1e100
for i in range(1,len(timeSeriesToCompare)-1): # case 0 is data so don't use it.
    case = listCalibration[i-1]
    if case[2] < devBestFit:
        indexBestFit = i
        bcBestFit = case[0]
        roughnessBestFit = case[1]
        devBestFit = case[2]

print "selected bc: " + str(bcBestFit) + "m3/s"
print "selected roughness " + str(roughnessBestFit) + "m^(1/3) s^-1"

lineResultsBestFit = CreateLineSeries(timeSeriesToCompare[indexBestFit])
lineResultsBestFit.Color = Color.Blue
lineResultsBestFit.Width = 2
lineResultsBestFit.Title = "Best fit"
lineResultsBestFit.ShowInLegend = True
lineResultsBestFit.PointerVisible = False
#region STEP 10: export results
ExportListToCsvFile(rootPath + r"\calibration.csv", listCalibration, ["BC value", "Roughness", "Average deviation"], delimiterChar = ",")
ExportListToCsvFile(rootPath + r"\bestFit.csv", timeSeriesToCompare[indexBestFit], ["Time", "Water level at Gauging station"])
index = 0
for ts in timeSeriesToCompare:
    if index == 0:
        flag = " Initial set up "
    elif index == indexBestFit:
        flag = " best fit "
        flag = " "
    fileName = rootPath + r"\Water Level at Gauging Station case " + str(index) + flag + ".csv"
    ExportListToCsvFile(fileName, ts, ["Time", "Water level at Gauging station"], ",")
    index += 1
chartCalibration.ExportAsImage(rootPath + r"\Calibration.png",1250,650)