Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleCode for the SOBEL SOBEK 3 scripting libraryLibrary
import csv as _csv
from datetime import datetime
import Libraries.ChartFunctions as _cf 
import Libraries.SobekWaterFlowFunctions as _wff
import Libraries.StandardFunctions as _st
import Libraries.NetworkFunctions as _nf
import Libraries.MapFunctions as _mf
from Libraries.NetworkFunctions import *
from DelftTools.Hydro.Structures import BridgeFrictionType

def CreateNetworkFromBranchShapeFile(branchShapeFile):
	"""Creates a network using the provided shapefile (with line geometries)."""
	# create network
	network = _nf.HydroNetwork(Name = "Network")
	network.CoordinateSystem = _mf.GetShapeFileCoordinateSystem(branchShapeFile)
	number = 1
	for feature in _mf.GetShapeFileFeatures(branchShapeFile):
		firstCoordinate = feature.Geometry.Coordinates[0]
		lastCoordinate = feature.Geometry.Coordinates[feature.Geometry.Coordinates.Length -1]
		# create nodes
		startNode = _nf.HydroNode(Name= feature.Attributes["Source"] ,Geometry = _mf.CreatePointGeometry(firstCoordinate.X, firstCoordinate.Y))
		endNode = _nf.HydroNode(Name= feature.Attributes["Target"], Geometry = _mf.CreatePointGeometry(lastCoordinate.X, lastCoordinate.Y))
		# create channel
		channel = _nf.Channel(startNode, endNode, Name = feature.Attributes["Name"])
		channel.Geometry = feature.Geometry
		# add channel and nodes to network
		network.Nodes.AddRange([startNode, endNode])
		number += 1
	return network
def _CreateCsvLookup(profileCsvFile):
	lookup = {}
	with open(profileCsvFile) as csvfile:
		lines = _csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') 
		dataRows = None
		name = None
		for line in lines:
			if (len(line) == 0): # empty row
			if (len(line) == 1): # new definition
				if (name != None and dataRows != None):
					lookup[name] = dataRows # add definition to lookup
				name = line[0]
				dataRows = []
			dataRows.append([float(s) for s in line])
		# commit last row
		lookup[name] = dataRows
	return lookup
def AddBranchObjectsFromShapeFile(branchObjectType, shapeFileName, network):
	for feature in _mf.GetShapeFileFeatures(shapeFileName):
		name = feature.Attributes ["Name"]
		branchName = feature.Attributes ["Branch"]
		chainage = feature.Attributes ["Chainage"]
		longName = feature.Attributes ["LongName"]
		branch = _st.GetItemByName(network.Branches, branchName)
		branchObject = _nf.CreateBranchObjectOnBranchUsingChainage(branchObjectType, name, branch, chainage)
		branchObject.LongName = longName
		if branchObjectType == _nf.BranchObjectType.Weir:
			branchObject.CrestWidth = feature.Attributes ["CrestWidth"]
			branchObject.CrestLevel = feature.Attributes ["CrestLevel"]
def AddCrossSectionsToNetwork(csShapeFile, profileCsvFile, network):
	# get crossSection definitions as lookup (name, values)
	lookup = _CreateCsvLookup(profileCsvFile)
	for feature in _mf.GetShapeFileFeatures(csShapeFile):
		# get attributes
		name = feature.Attributes ["Name"]
		branchName = feature.Attributes ["Branch"]
		chainage = feature.Attributes ["Chainage"]
		crossSectionType = feature.Attributes ["CrossSectio"]
		thalweg = feature.Attributes ["Thalweg"]
		definitionName = feature.Attributes ["DefName"]
		# search branch
		branch = _st.GetItemByName(network.Branches, branchName)
		if (crossSectionType == "ZW"):
			type = _nf.BranchObjectType.CrossSectionZW
		elif (crossSectionType == "YZ"):
			type = _nf.BranchObjectType.CrossSectionYZ
		else :
		crossSection = _nf.CreateBranchObjectOnBranchUsingChainage(type, name, branch, chainage)
		_nf.SetCrossSectionProfile(crossSection, lookup[definitionName], thalweg)
def AddBridgesToNetwork(csShapeFile, profileCsvFile, network):
    # get crossSection definitions as lookup (name, values)
    lookup = _CreateCsvLookup(profileCsvFile)
    for feature in _mf.GetShapeFileFeatures(csShapeFile):
        # get attributes
        name = feature.Attributes ["Name"]
        branchName = feature.Attributes ["Branch"]
        chainage = feature.Attributes ["Chainage"]
        length = feature.Attributes ["Length"]
        roughType = feature.Attributes ["RoughType"]
        roughnessValue = feature.Attributes ["Roughness"]
        inletLoss = feature.Attributes ["InLossCoef"]
        outletLoss = feature.Attributes ["OutLossCoef"]
        groundLayerRoughness = feature.Attributes ["GLRoughness"]
        pillarWidth= feature.Attributes ["PillarWidth"]
        shapeFactor= feature.Attributes ["ShapeFactor"]
        longName= feature.Attributes ["LongName"]
        # search branch
        branch = _st.GetItemByName(network.Branches, branchName)
        bridge = _nf.CreateBranchObjectOnBranchUsingChainage(_nf.BranchObjectType.Bridge, name, branch, chainage)
        bridge.Length = length
        bridge.InletLossCoefficient = inletLoss
        bridge.OutletLossCoefficient = outletLoss
        """brFrictionTypeDictionary = {"StricklerKs":BridgeFrictionType.StricklerKs, 
        bridge.FrictionType = _st.ParseToEnum(roughType,BridgeFrictionType)
        bridge.Friction = roughnessValue
        bridge.GroundLayerRoughness = groundLayerRoughness
        bridge.PillarWidth = pillarWidth
        bridge.ShapeFactor = shapeFactor
        bridge.LongName = longName
        if (lookup.has_key(name)):
            bridge.BridgeType = _nf.BridgeType.Tabulated
            for item in lookup[name]:
                bridge.TabulatedCrossSectionDefinition.ZWDataTable.AddCrossSectionZWRow(item[0], item[1], item[2])   
def ImportBoundaryConditions(path, flowModel):
    bcDictionary = {"H": _wff.BoundaryConditionType.WaterLevelConstant, 
                    "Q": _wff.BoundaryConditionType.FlowConstant,
                    "None": _wff.BoundaryConditionType.NoBoundary}
    with open(path) as csvfile:
            lines = _csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter = ",")
            for line in lines:
            	bcName = line[0]
            	bcType = bcDictionary[line[1]] 
            	bcValue = float(line[2])
            	_wff.SetBoundaryCondition(flowModel, bcName, bcType, bcValue) 
def ImportLateralData(path, flowModel):
    latDictionary = {"FlowConstant": _wff.LateralDataType.FlowConstant}
    with open(path) as csvfile:
            lines = _csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter = ",")
            for line in lines:
            	latName = line[0]
            	latType = latDictionary[line[1]] 
            	latValue = float(line[2])
            	_wff.SetLateralData(flowModel, latName, latType, latValue)
def GetMinYMaxYofCrossSectionProfile(crossSection):
    min = crossSection.Definition.YZDataTable[0].Yq
    max = crossSection.Definition.YZDataTable[crossSection.Definition.YZDataTable.Count-1].Yq
    return min, max
def CreateOutputChart(flowModel, outputName, locationNames, colors):
	"""Creates an output chart for the provided locations."""
	chart = _cf.CreateChart([])
	index = 0
	for locationName in locationNames:
		location  = _wff.GetComputationGridLocationByName(flowModel, locationName)
		timeSeries  = _wff.GetTimeSeriesFromWaterFlowModel(flowModel, location, outputName)
		lineSeries = _cf.CreateLineSeries(timeSeries)
		lineSeries.Title = locationName
		lineSeries.Color = colors[index]
		lineSeries.Width = 3
		lineSeries.PointerVisible = False
		lineSeries.Transparency = 50
		index += 1
	chart.Name = outputName
	chart.TitleVisible = True
	chart.Title = "Compare " + outputName + " zwolle"
	chart.Legend.Visible = True
	chart.BottomAxis.Title = "Time"
	chart.LeftAxis.Title = outputName
	return chart
def OpenModelMapViewWithBackground(model):
	view = Gui.DocumentViews[Gui.DocumentViews.Count-1]
	map = view.MapView.Map
	map.CoordinateSystem = _mf.Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateFromEPSG(3857) # webmercator
	# Add background (Satellite image) map
	layer = BingLayer()
	layer.Name = "Satellite Hybrid (Bing Maps)"
def _GetInterpolatedValue(timeLeft, valueLeft, timeRight, valueRight, timeToSearch):
	perc = (timeToSearch - timeLeft).total_seconds() / (timeRight - timeLeft).total_seconds()
	return ((valueRight - valueLeft) * perc) + valueLeft
def GetAverageDeviation(ts1, ts2, startAt = 0):
	ts1Lookup = sorted(ts1, key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # measurements
	ts2Lookup = sorted(ts2, key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # calculated values
	ts1Min = ts1Lookup[0][0]
	ts1Max = ts1Lookup[-1][0]
	ts2Min = ts2Lookup[0][0]
	ts2Max = ts2Lookup[-1][0]
	if (ts1Min < ts2Min or ts1Max > ts2Max):
		raise Exception("Measurements out of range")
	totalSum = 0
	minValueIndex = 0
	for timeValueList in ts1Lookup:
		timeMeasurement = timeValueList[0]
		valueMeasurement = timeValueList[1]
		for i in range(len(ts2Lookup))[minValueIndex:]:
			timeCalc = ts2Lookup[i][0]
			valueCalc = ts2Lookup[i][1]
			if (timeCalc > timeMeasurement):
				minValueIndex = i -1
				timeleft = ts2Lookup[i-1][0]
				valueleft = ts2Lookup[i-1][1]
				totalSum += abs(valueMeasurement - _GetInterpolatedValue(timeleft, valueleft, timeCalc, valueCalc, timeMeasurement))
	return totalSum/ (len(ts1Lookup)) # average deviation 
