Versions Compared


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  1. Install 'TortoiseSVN' via the Deltares Appstore
  2. Create a new folder where the toolbox will be placed
  3. Right-click and choose 'SVN Checkout ...'
  4. Use the URL: and click OK
    1. Supply your Deltares login information
  5. You now have the complete OpenEarthTools toolbox, the XBeach tools are located in ..\trunk\matlab\applications\xbeach\
    1. Update regularly using right-click -> SVN Update on the highest level. (the toolbox is constantly being improved, if you don't update manually, you don't benefit from this)
    2. Contribute with bug fixes and new functionality using right-click -> SVN Commit. Please try not to break stuff (unless you are a fan of angry emails).
      1. Remember, any changes you make locally are only distributed to other people after you commit them.

Getting the source code


You do not need to download the source code just to run XBeach (see 'Running XBeach' below). You do need it if you want to examine or modify the source code. If you want to develop a new feature, please do so in a separate BRANCH, and NOT directly in the TRUNK.
