Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • These files are received each 5 minutes and include all the signals for that interval.
  • Their name gives the date and time.
  • Time is local (i.e. +2 hr GMT in summer and +1hr GMT in winter)
  • Each line of the file represents one signal
  • There are 5 fields per line separated by ; They are:
    • Type of station (A: river gauge station)
    • Code of station and signal. 
      • he first 4 characters represent the code of the station (for example 1080)
      • the last 5 characters represent the type of signal (NRIO1 or NRL7S: level in river in m; QRIO1: discharge in river in m3/s, PCINC: precipitation in mm, TEMEX: temperature in ºC)
    • Date (day/month/year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds)
    • Value of the signal. The “,” represents the decimal point
    • Quality of the signal (:
      • BUENO/BUENA: good; FEWS quality flag: ORIGINAL_RELIABLE 
      • MALO/MALA: bad
      • ;  FEWS quality flag: ORIGINAL_DOUBTFUL 
      • NO DATO: no data
      • ;  FEWS quality flag: ORIGINAL_MISSING 



No Format
A;1080_AINRIO1;15/05/2014 13:05:00;1,830000;BUENO
A;1080_AINRIO1;15/05/2014 13:10:00;1,830000;BUENO
A;1080_AINRIO1;15/05/2014 13:15:00;1,830000;BUENO