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Children Display

Data Display and Data Editor


This feature allows you the set automatic scaling along one or both axis.

Data Editor

Select the Data Editor option of the FEWS Tools menu to present tables displaying the data. The splitter can be positioned in such a way, that the complete table is visible.

The Graph and Editor display has a table and an edit mode. 

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The most left column shows the date and time of the data. The period displayed spans the overall period defined in the filters for all time series.


  • Black: original data
  • Blue: corrected (original data flagged "Unreliable" and interpolated)
  • Magenta: completed (original data missing and interpolated)

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Data The edit mode can be enabled from the toolbar with the Image Added Enable Edit mode button. Data (only those with a white background) can be edited by double clicking a field in the column. Editing may be done in the table directly. The result of an edit action is directly displayed in the corresponding graph. Manually corrected data will be saved to the database by clicking [Apply ]disabling the Edit mode again from the toolbar. A pop-up will ask to save the edited data to the database. With [Cancel ] before saving, changes can be undone. With [Enter ] the changes are validatedOK ] the data is saved, [NO ] the data is not saved and with [Cancel ] changes will be undone.

Through manual editing of data, the source of the data changes from original to corrected. The font colour used for edited data is blue to indicate that it is completed data. The background colour remains white, as the data has not yet been validated. If however, after pressing [Apply ] validation indicates that the value exceeds certain validation limits, the background colour will be set accordingly.

Editing data labels

Data labels can also be edited from the Table when the  Image Added Enable Edit mode is active. Press the right mouse button when selecting one or multiple cells in the table and select the Mark option. It is now possible to change the data label of a value to reliable, doubtful, etc.. or remove the Manual Data Label Marks. A special data label is the Persistent Void or Persistent Unreliable data label, this label is used by the secondary validation module.   

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Note: It is not possible to change the data label of a missing value.


Editing Data

Historic Events

A special option in the Data Display is the option to add historic events to the chart window.


To show the data in the category plot, the 'category' plot viewer type should be specified in DisplayGroups.xml with element <plotViewerId> :

No Format

<plot id="MODISCategory1Plot">

            <qualifierId>Aspect-ID   0</qualifierId>
            <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
            <timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
            <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-24" end="4"/>
            <readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>

            <qualifierId>Aspect-ID   0</qualifierId>
            <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
            <timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
            <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-24" end="4"/>
            <readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>


