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To follow this tutorial you need MATLAB® version 2011a or higher.


Step-by-step guide

This tutorial requires Python 2.7 with the NetCDF4 and Matplotlib (1.5.1 or higher) packages. Python is a free and open source language. If you do not have Python installed, we recommend installing the Anaconda distribution.

This tutorial assumed basic knowledge of Python.

Step-by-step guide

SOBEK outputs NetCDF files (*.nc). This tutorial shows you how to access these files in Python. We will investigate the contents of the netCDF file and plot a timeseries. 


Step-by-step guide

  1. You can find SOBEK output in the <projectname>.dsproj_data folder. Here you will find several files with the *.nc extension. These are NetCDF files. They correspond to the output selected in DeltaShell. Note: if this folder contains files with the extension *.nc.changes you have not saved your project after running the model. Save the project in DeltaShell before continuing. 


    NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is an open standard for storing scientific data. Delft3D Flexible Mesh (and SOBEK) use the CF-1.0 convention.

  2. For this tutorial we will use the observation point output for water level. If you do not have a SOBEK model readily available, download the following output file: Water level (op).nc
  3. Open your Python editor of choice. First we import the necessary modules and define a variable pointing to the *.nc file: 

    Code Block
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import netCDF4
    ncfile = './Water level (op).nc'
  4. To display the contents of the file, use the following build in function. This will print a list of all variables and sizes to the command window. 

    Code Block
  5. In the next steps, we will extract the timesvalues and observation point names from the NetCDF file

    1. The variable for the timestamps is called 'time', but note that it is in 'milliseconds since 1970-01-01'! Check this using ncdisp. To change this to MATLAB compatible time, use the following code

      Code Block
      % Read data from nc file
      time = ncread(ncfile, 'time')
      % convert to MATLAB dates
      time = time./(1000*3600*24) + datenum('01-01-1970', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
    2. The values (which are water levels, in this case) are easily extracted:

      Code Block
      % Read data from nc file
      waterlevels = ncread(ncfile, 'value')
    3. Finally, the names of the observation stations are stored under the attribute 'feature_name'. Reading this data will return a transposed character array. It is convenient to transform this to a cell array immediately: 

      Code Block
      % Read data from nc file
      names = cellstr(ncread(path, 'feature_name')')
  6. With the data read from file, we are ready to plot the result:

    Code Block
    % Change the index to cycle through the stations
    station_index = 1
    % Plot the data
    figure(1), clf(1)
        	plot(time, waterlevels(station_index, :), 'color', [.3 .3 .9], 'linewidth', 2)
        title(sprintf('Station: %s', names{station_index}))
        datetick('x',  'dd mmm yyyy' ,'keepticks', 'keeplimits')
        ylabel('Water level [m]')
    % Some extra code to make the figure less default-looking
    set(gca, ...
      'Box'         , 'on'     , ...
      'TickDir'     , 'out'     , ...
      'TickLength'  , [.02 .02] , ...
      'XMinorTick'  , 'on'      , ...
      'YMinorTick'  , 'on'      , ...
      'YGrid'       , 'on'      , ...
      'XColor'      , [.3 .3 .3], ...
      'YColor'      , [.3 .3 .3], ...
      'LineWidth'   , 1         );



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