Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • In ManualForecast display select your workflow that imports grib2 files
  • Select “4 Select modules to include in next run…” from F12 menu and tick the check box of the grib2 import module
  • Select “5 Select modules to log debug messages in next run…” from F12 menu and and tick the check box of the grib2 import module
  • Run the workflow
  • Search in the Logs panel or in log.txt the message:

    No Format
    Import.Debug:External parameter {parameter name} can not be mapped to FEWS parameter with id map IdMapFiles/{IdMa}

    For example:

    No Format
    Import.Debug:External parameter Total_precipitation_surface_36_Hour_Accumulation_ens can not be mapped to FEWS parameter with id map IdMapFiles/IdMapGrid.xml

    The message contains parameter name available in the grid2 grib2 file. Enter parameter name from the message in the IdMap file, for example :

    No Format
    <parameter external="Total_precipitation_surface_36_Hour_Accumulation_ens" internal="FMAP"/>.
