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definition of threshold groups. contains all threshold options that do not relate to locations or parameters.

schema location


A threshold that triggers a threshold event if a certain level is crossed upwards or downwards. For this type of threshold it is possible to configure an upWarningLevelId or a downWarningLevelId. There are also options to configure upIntId and downIntId, both of which are deprecated and should not be used when making new configurations.

Available Attributes:

id: Identifier of this threshold. Each threshold must have a unique id. Also thresholds that are in different threshold groups cannot have the same id.

name: Name of this threshold. This name is used when this threshold is displayed (e.g. in the timeSeriesDialog). If not specified, then the id is used when this threshold is displayed.

shortName: Optional short name for this threshold. This short name is used e.g. for the column headers in the threshold crossing counts tables in the ThresholdOverviewDisplay. If not specified, then the id is used as short name.

Available Elements:

upWarningLevelId:  Optional id of a warning level that will be activated for a particular location and parameter if a data value is above this threshold.


Similar to the Id's used, a warning level integer can be assigned to threshold crossings. This warning level is resolved to either an icon (for display in the main FEWS GUI), or a colour (for use in reports or schematic status displays). Warning levels need not be unique. If not specified this id will be generated automatically. Internally DELFT-FEWS maintains threshold events as a non-equidistant time series, where the crossings are identified by an integer. For each threshold two unique integer Id's need to be assigned. One ID is used to identify the upcrossing of the threshold, the other Id is assigned to identify the downcrossing. The exception to this is the peak threshold where only a single Id needs to be assigned to identify the occurrence of the peak event. Note: in the new thresholds configuration approach (thresholdGroups) these ids are optional and will be generated when not specified in configuration.



-         id: Unique Id of level threshold.

-         name: Name for the level threshold.


Root element for definition of a rate threshold. Multiple entries may exist.


-         id: Unique Id of rate threshold.

-         name: Name for the rate threshold.


Root element for definition of a peak event threshold. Multiple entries may exist.


-         id: Unique Id of max threshold.

-         name: Name for the max threshold.

Figure 38 Elements of the Threshold configuration


Integer level used in determining icon (through ValueAttributesMap) on up-crossing of threshold (level thresholds only).


Integer level used in determining icon (through ValueAttributesMap) on down-crossing of threshold (level thresholds only).


Unique integer level defined in threshold crossing time series (internal) on up-crossing of threshold.


Unique integer level defined in threshold crossing time series (internal) on down-crossing of threshold.


Rate Threshold

A threshold that triggers a threshold event if the rate of change of data values becomes higher or lower than a certain rate, e.g. -0.1 m per hour.

Available Attributes:

id: Identifier of this threshold. Each threshold must have a unique id. Also thresholds that are in different threshold groups cannot have the same id.

name: Name of this threshold. This name is used when this threshold is displayed (e.g. in the timeSeriesDialog). If not specified, then the id is used when this threshold is displayed.

Available Elements:

upIntId: DEPRECATED, do not use in new configurations. Id that will be put to the output time series if a particular threshold value of this type is crossed upwards. This id must be unique through this file. If not specified, then this id will be generated automatically.

downIntId: DEPRECATED, do not use in new configurations. Id that will be put to the output time series if a particular threshold value of this type is crossed downwards.

See level thresholds for more information about the up and down ids.

Max Threshold

A threshold that triggers a threshold event if there is a peak (maximum) in the data. The peak has to be higher than a certain level and has to be the maximum within a certain time window. If a maximum is at the end of a time series, then it does not count as a peak.

Available Attributes:

id: Identifier of this threshold. Each threshold must have a unique id. Also thresholds that are in different threshold groups cannot have the same id.

name: Name of this threshold. This name is used when this threshold is displayed (e.g. in the timeSeriesDialog). If not specified, then the id is used when this threshold is displayed.

Available Elements:

intId: DEPRECATED, do not use in new configurations. Id that will be put to the output time series if a particular threshold value of this type is exceeded.  This id must be unique through this file. If not specified, then this id will be generated automatically.

See level thresholds for more information about the up and down ids.

 Unique integer level defined in threshold crossing time series (internal) on occurrence of peak event.

Some notes that explain how Delft-FEWS handles thresholds

Each thresholdValue links a level (e.g. 3.28 meters) to a threshold (e.g. "top of dike"). Each threshold (e.g. "top of dike") links a crossing direction (up or down) to a warning level (e.g. "Flood Alarm"). Each warning level corresponds to a unique integer that is called the severity of the warning level. Also see the figure below.
