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Multi Object Editing in Visual Studio
The standard System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid supports editing of multiple objects by exposing a SelectedObjects property. This functionality is also found in Visual Studio 2005. In the image below you can see 3 different views of the grid when editing a form using the form editor.

figure 1 - Some sample views from the multi object property editor in Microsoft Visual Studio

PropertyGrid analyses the objects set to SelectedObjects and makes the following adjustments:


The combobox at the top of the FilteredPropertyGrid tries to mimic the behaviour of the combobox in Visual Studio. If 1 object is selected the Id is shown bold followed by the type description.

figure 2 - Some sample views from the multi object property editor in DelftShell and a RR schematisation. Note that this model only has object of type string or UrbanNode.

To Do/ Discussion

  • Add option to add indivual objects to the combobox like visual studio.
  • remove Remove the Id property if more than 1 object is selected.
  • The functionality of the original PropertyGrid class in Delft Shell (keyboard support) has not yet been copied to FilteredPropertyGrid.
  • Add a icon/symbol for each type of object in the combobox to enable the user to respond/select more quickly.
