Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The BIL, BIP and BSQ raster data formats were originally developed by USGS for CCT tape formats for to store Landsat satellite data from 1972 on. These are simple uncompressed binary files representing a raster of one or more image bands, accompanied by an ASCII header file (*.hdr) with image information. The main file extension depends on the format, or storage sequence:


The PI implementation of BIL files however includes several adaptations to specific FEWS purposes (i.e. using floating point data, extension for time series using blocks) which causes this FEWS implementation to not fully comply with the official specifications of the BIL format and changing this structure and lack support for BIP and BSQ format files. Changing this implementation would break backward compatibility so it was decided to create a new parser, which als also properly supports the BIL, BIP and BSQ format.

This new implementation is fully compliant with the ESRI technical specifications , but does NOT offer specific FEWS extensions to the format for dealing with time series or floating point pixel values, this new importer and can be configured with the new "BILBIPBSQ" identifier, whereas the existing PI implementation of FEWS BIL files uses the identifier "BIL".

Using NBLOCKS for time series

For many applications multiple BIL, BIP or BSQ files could be available, representing a time series of observations (daily, monthly, weekly, etc.)

In order to be able to import such a time series of Images, the binary image files can be appended into a single file in chronological order where the original files become so-called "blocks" in the combined image file. In this case an extra field NBLOCKS is added to the header file to indicate the number of time steps in the combined image and an extra (*.tim) file is added to provide a date/time stamp for each block.

Appending the binary image files to create a time series can be done using (for example) a DOS copy command in binary append mode, as follows:


Code Block
titlecopy command
	copy /b step1.bil+step2.bil+step2.bil+step4.bil 4steps.bil



The following configuration example shows what is required to import BIL/BIP/BSQ format satellite data into FEWS. The following files need to be adjusted:

  • Locations.xml: to add the satellite location ID
  • Grids.xml: for the grid characteristics
  • Import_BIL.xml: module instance that imports the data (for example)
  • IDMapping file if a special parameter ID needs to be specified
  • ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml: For reference of the import module instance
  • ImportUnitConversions.xml: If the units need to be converted on importing

For some of these files examples are provided below. Locations, ModuleInstanceDescriptors and ImportUnitConversions are standard FEWS configuration files.


Example of the locations.xml file element:

Code Block
	<location id="SATH_AFRICA" name="SATH_AFRICA">


Example of the Grids.xml file element:

Code Block
	<regular locationId="SATH_AFRICA">
		<description>SATH Rainfall files</description>
		<geoDatum>WGS 1984</geoDatum>


Example of the ID mapping to map band numbers to FEWS parameters:

Code Block
<idMap >
   <parameter internal="P.obs" external = "0"/>
   <parameter internal="T.obs" external = "1"/>


An example import Module instance configuration file that maps the BSQ band nuymbers (0,1) to FEWS parameters (P.obs, T.obs):

Code Block
         <geoDatum>WGS 1984</geoDatum>
         <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
         <timeStep unit="day"/>
         <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
         <expiryTime unit="day" multiplier="30"/>
         <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
         <timeStep unit="day"/>
         <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
         <expiryTime unit="day" multiplier="30"/>