Figure 1 Funagira Dam gates. Figure 2 The schematization of the dam and dam piers in FM-model. Figure 3 The water depth at a map around the dam (FM results).
1. Introduction
Dams and reservoirs are functional assets of river basins, particularly in areas with strong seasonal variations in rainfall-runoff patterns, where they can regulate river flow to prevent flooding, as well as in areas with ever-growing water and energy demand due to growth of economy and population. However, it is obvious that any intervention in a natural system induces adverse impacts on the ecosystem. Additional negative impacts of dams and reservoirs can also be attributed to poor planning, mismanagement, inefficient operation and improper consideration (or negligence) of impact mitigation options and conditions.
Deltares together with J-Power are aiming to improve the knowledge related to sediment management in rivers with reservoirs considering ecosystem of the river basin. A process-based tool has been developed and applied, namely a 2D-model (Delft3D) that is coupled with RTC-tools to mimic the real time dam operation of a single reservoir considering sediment transport and morphology. This has been used to optimize the sediment management in the reservoir and the river downstream. However, it is important to consider river ecosystem in relation to sediment management for rivers with a cascading system of dams. Consequently, it is vital to incorporate this in the modelling tool and test a large scale synchronized system operation of multiple reservoirs that at the same time integrate both sediments and ecological aspects.
2. Objective
The main objective of this project is to further deepen, broaden and integrate our knowledge and improve our tools (add-ons and coupling) to be able to link the dam and sediment management operation with ecology. Followings are some of the objectives of the proposed project:
4) Memorandum with the results and a conference/journal paper together with J-Power (and other contributors if any)