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Archiving by using time series sets or workflow selection

The FEWS archive export has several exports in which data can be archived. In all those exports time series can be selected by either specifying the time series by using time series sets or it is possible to define a time series filter. In this case all the time series which comply to the defined filter will be exported. By default the filter will be applied to the time series of the current workflow. If a workflow id is defined then the data from the last or current run will be used. Or if a period is defined then all simulations or external forecasts for the defined period will be exported. When a time series filter is used then it is also possible to define a fileNamePrefix. The generated file name will then be prefixed with the defined prefix. This can be used to make the predefined filename more descriptive.

Below an example of an export with a time series selection

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<exportArchiveModule xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">


Observations archiving by Delft-FEWS





general ComplexType

dataSetPeriodstringBy default the daily data sets are created. It also possible to create monthly data sets. For operational purposes it is recommend to use daily data sets. For migrating data from other systems to the FEWS archive it might be convenient to export the data in montly data sets.



Export destination folder, assumes that the account running the FEWS (FSS) application has write access


Exports entire the dataset by day.



idMap applied to translate internal FEWS identifiers to identifiers that meet NetCDF-CF criteria.E.g. netcdf does not allow a full stop ('.') in the variable name

ignoreNonExistingLocationSetsboolIf this option is set FEWS will not log an error when an location set is not configured.
verifyExportedTimeSeriesboolif this option is set FEWS will verify if data in the exported netcdf is the same as in the FEWS database.

netcdfObservedExportActivities ComplexType



should include nc extension, otherwise files will not be read. preferably no spaces



area to which the dataset belongs

sourceIdstringdefines the source of the data set
exportLocationAttributeAsNetCDFVariablecomplex typeSince 2021.01.  Adds a variable to the NetCdf file. Name of the variable is the value of ncVariable, the value is the configured location attribute of attributeId.


string elem.

optional metadata tags within NetCDF file following CF convention. Supported by the internal catalogue of the THREDDS Data Server



default=TRUE; if TRUE, a list of flags is stored, each value pointing to the associated flag

includeTimeSeriesPropertiesbooldefault=TRUE, if TRUE the properties of the time series will also be stored in the NetCDF file.



default=TRUE; if TRUE, a list of comments is stored, each value pointing to the associated comment



identifies FEWS ThresholdGroup which is used to detect threshold crossings to be highlighted in the metaData.xml


FEWS timeseries sets

In this tag the time series can selected by using a time series filter from either the current workflow or 1 or more other workflows.

*When an existing file is locked while it needs to be overwritten, the export function writes a new temporary file. The FileSweeper, a scheduled process, renames this file when the lock is removed from the original file.

Figure 4.2 Deft-FEWS export configuration for archiving observations
