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Not all parameters can be combined. The following combinations are commonly used valid combinations of parameters. The main way to filter timeSeries is by using filterIds or taskRunIds.


Only the default filter or one of its subfilters can be applied)


One or more taskRunIds can be specified

startTime, endTime

startCreationTime, endCreationTime

startForecastTime, endForecastTime
Apply a filter to the time series. The requested period will be set to the current time minus one day and one hour ago until the current time plus one day and one hourX(1)

Get all time series created by one or more taskRuns. All time steps of the matching time series are returned.

Get the time series created by a taskrun and apply a filter from the Filters configuration. startTime and endTime cannot be specified. The complete time series will be returned. Since 2020.01.XX

Apply a filter to the time series and return time steps that are in the startTime and endTime range. If the startTime or endTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest time step before startTime and/or after endTime is returned as well.

Apply a filter to the time series. Only time series created during the startCreationTime and endCreationTime period will be returned. All time steps of the matching time series are returned.X

Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series created during the creation time period. Only return timesteps in the startTime and endTime range.X
Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series with external forecast times in the startForecastTime and endForecastTime period. Only return timesteps in the startTime and endTime range.X
Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series with external forecast times in the startForecastTime and endForecastTime period that were created in the creation time period. Only return time steps in the startTime and endTime range.X
Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series created during the creation time period. All time steps of the matching time series are returned. (before 2020.01 startTime and endTime had to be specified).X

Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series with external forecast times in the startForecastTime and endForecastTime period. All time steps of the matching time series are returned.X

Apply a filter to the time series. Return only time series created during the creation time period and with external forecast times in the startForecastTime and endForecastTime period. All time steps of the matching time series are returned.X


(1): Take note that if no startTime and endTime are specified, the requested period will be set to the current time minus one day and one hour ago until the current time plus one day and one hour.
