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The FEWS Web Feature is the Delft-FEWS implementation of the OpenGIS WFS 2.0 OGC standard and is available since 2023.01. It allows requesting GML or GeoJSON feature data from plots that have been configured in the Delft-FEWS Grid Display. The WFS service can be seen as complementary to the WMS service, as it currently supports only gridplot types that contain vector data (e.g. polygons, polylines, points; currently only implemented for polygon features) instead of gridded datapolygon timeseries. The WMS service allows you to render these plots (feature or gridded data) to images, the WFS service provides access to the underlying vector data if the time series valueType is "polygon"Only gridPlot items that have been configured in the Grid Display configuration to show polygon data can be currently be accessed as a WFS 'Feature Type'. Additional geographic information like point and polyline map layers may also become available this way in the near future.

A valueType of polygon typically indicates that a polygon time series was calculated in FEWS based on a raster model of inundations where the polygon is different for each time step. Scalar time series which are linked to a locationSet containing polygons that are static (districts, catchments) currently can not be rendered using the WFS.

Developers documentation

For API Developers it is recommended to use the Open API Documentation. Please see<Work in progress>:

The official OpenGIS documentation consists of two documents: the OpenGIS Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard and the OpenGIS Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard, both of which are ISO certified standards.


Get a list of the available polygon gridPlots. In WFS terminology these are 'FeatureTypes" and other information about the service. GetCapabilities will return its content as XML in accordance with the WFS 2.0 standard. Only version 2.0.0 of this standard is supported.


  • typenames (required): the gridPlot id of the plot to display. Only one gridPlot id is supported.
  • version (optional): supported version is 2.0.0 and is the default if not set. Older versions are not supported.
  • crs (optional, 'EPSG:4326' is the default): the output projection of the data. The default projection used by FEWS is always EPSG:4326 (WGS84 geographic coordinates; longitude, latitude). Other coordinate systems are supported only if they are configured in WebServices.xml.
  • format (optional, 'application/gml+xml; version=3.2' is the default): GML is the standard output format that any WFS implementation must support. Optionally 'application/geojson' can be requested instead. Geojson is more compact and generally easier to process.
  • bbox (optional): the bounding box (in the projection as defined by the CRS parameter) of the extent of interest. Any features that intersect the BBOX will be returned. Features that lie completely outside the BBOX area will not be returned.
  • filter (optional): a filter expression in URL-encoded XML format as specified in the OpenGIS Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard. Only the "Minimum Standard Filter" conformance class is currently implemented and tested. For more information, refer to WFS Request Filtering below.


  • typeNames (required): the gridPlot id of one or more plots to display. If this is not specified, a list of feature types is provided as a list of uri's.
  • version (optional): supported version is 2.0.0 and is the default if not set. Older versions are not supported.


  • version (optional): supported version is 2.0.0 and is the default if not set. Older versions are not supported


  • version (optional): supported version is 2.0.0 and is the default if not set. Older versions are not supported.
