Versions Compared


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The FEWS Web Services are supported on the Tomcat 7 and Tomcat 8 and 9 application server. See: application server, check Tomcat requirements for the required version (depends on the Delft-FEWS version you use). You can download Tomcat here:  and
The requirements of the the Java version to be used for Tomcat is the same as for the FEWS version that is being used. It is strongly advised to use same Java JRE for tomcat as is used for a FEWS OC when installing tomcat. For 2018.02 the java version should be java 11.


This installation guide assumes a newly installed Tomcat 7, 8 or 9 application server. For migrating existing installations from before FEWS 2017.02, see the paragraph on migrating.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <connection id="Database" name="Database">

Cache configuration

Since 2020.02 it is possible to use the localCacheSizeMB in the clientConfig.xml to tune the amount of in memory caching the PI service is allowed to do. This can be quite useful for performance tuning when using seamless integration with the archive.

This setting was already available to the Operator Client and Forecasting Shell Servers. If not configured a default cache size of 500MByte will be used.

See also: 08 Root Configuration Files for Operator Client and Forecasting Shell Servers

Configure Database connection over Active Directory

When using MS Sql Server it is possible to connect to the database through Active Directory. This can be configured by updating the client configuration file (see example below). 

  • remove user
  • remove encryptedPassword
  • extend URL by adding integratedSecurity=true

Furthermore it is necessary to copy sqljdbc_auth.dll  to the Tomcat/bin folder. This can be found here:

  • 2020.02 and earlier: from the Master Controller build/lib folder installation
  • 2021.01 and later: Delft-FEWS bin folder
Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <connection id="Database" name="Database">

The FEWS Web Services have a custom property file that can be used to make service specific configurations available. This is a property file that is located in the FEWS configuration in the directory:


For more information about the possible properties, see FEWS Web Services Configuration (deprecated since 2022.02)

Global Properties

In case global properties are needed by the FEWS Web Services, a file can be put in the Region_Home directory as well. If the same is available in the RootConfigFile in the FEWS configuration, the properties will be overwritten by the one in the FEWS database. 

Index Files

Since 2018.02 the FEWS Web Services will not startup before an index file is available in the Database. Index files are created automatically by Forecasting Shells. This means that the FEWS Web Services will only start if a running Forecasting Shell is available on the live system.


From the ${catalina.home}/conf/Catalina/localhost old xml configurations with references to the old services should be removed as well.