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h1. Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group (JONSMOD)



h3. How to use thisIntroduction and Aim of the Jonsmod Wiki website?


The public Wiki website "JONSMOD" at Deltares went live in December 2010. It replaces the JONSMOD website was hosted( maintained by the University of Plymouth, which for administrative reason had to discontinue its site. All content has since then been transferred to the Wiki website. 
The aim of the Wiki website is to serve as a repository of JONSMOD related data sets such as programmes, presentations and photographs of past meetings, and information relevant to upcoming JONSMOD conferences. In cooperation with the JONSMOD organizing committee it was decided to transfer this website to Deltares, The Netherlands. We have chosen a new format, namely a Wiki website particular, the JONSMOD site will serve as medium for registration, submission of abstract and further communication on JONSMOD conferences. The Wiki concept simply allows extended access and edit rights to e.g. the Jonsmod members active in organising the conference, etc.  


h3. How to use this Wiki website?

The public Wiki website "JONSMOD" at Deltares went live in December 2010. It replaces the JONSMOD website ( maintained by the University of Plymouth, which for administrative reason had to discontinue its site. All content has been transferred to the Wiki website. The Wiki concept was chosen for its look and feel and flexibility to give Jonsmod members active in organising the conference, etc. edit rights. 

The main buttons are on top of this website. By clicking on "*Home*", "*Previous events 1998-2008*", "*JONSMOD 2010*", "*JONSMOD 2012*" or "*Contact*", additional information can be found. This is often in the form of powerpoint presentations or photos. For the 2010 event there is a separate clickable button because a lot of presentations and photos are available. For the next "*JONSMOD 2012 Conference*" more information will become available in 2011.  

h3. Introduction to the Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group (JONSMOD)

*JONSMOD* was originally formed out of a 1970s research programme. The acronym was Joint North Sea Modelling Group. In 1981, Phil Dyke became chairman and the organisation had three principal aims:

1. To run a workshop on the latest modelling techniques for shallow seas every two years (biennially).
2. To keep costs to a minimum and therefore to encourage young researchers to present their work in a friendly, unthreatening atmosphere, but to an informed audience.
3. To publish a selection of the papers in an internationally refereed journal. Hence giving young researchers a foot on the ladder into a research career.

In order to be more general and not just referencing the North Sea, the acronym was changed to mean Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group in the late 1980s. We have successfully attained all three stated aims.

The models presented at the workshops in the main concern shallow sea dynamics, commonly but not exclusively of the physical oceanography of a sea area utilising a constant Coriolis parameter. Wind and tidal forcing predominate in the models.

The venue does dictate the flavour of a particular conference. For example, the conferences that have been held at Delft Hydraulics have contained more than the usual number of papers on smaller scale modelling -- virtually coastal engineering; the conference at the Danish Hydraulics Institute contained extra work on ecosystems modelling; while those in Norway contained more models than usual of larger scale ocean flows (β plane dynamics for example).

In recent decade, presentations have taken advantage of power point, video clips and real time computer runs. The 2004 venue was Wärnemunde in Germany, the Baltic Sea Research Institute. The 2006 conference was at the University of Plymouth. In 2008 (23-25 June 2008) JONSMOD was hosted at the Institute for Marine Research and sister institutes in Bergen, Norway. In 2010 (10-12 May 2010) JONSMOD was organized by Deltares (previously Delft Hydraulics) at Delft in The Netherlands. In 2010 JONSMOD will be hosted by IFREMER in Brest, France. 

A paper about the first 25 years of JONSMOD (1981-2006) was published in Ocean Dynamics in 2007, see [^History_JONSMOD.pdf].

Presentations from previous JONSMOD conferences and photos from these events are available via the buttons at the top of this Wiki website. If you have your own photos you would like to contribute, please send them to ( Please feel free to download and print any of these photos.

Professor Phil Dyke,

Chairman of JONSMOD