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The 10th edition of the International Meuse Symposium

will take

took place on September 10th, 2024 in Liège (Belgium).


Please register for the 10th International Meuse Symposium via the registration form:

The submission for oral presentations is closed. If you would like to contribute to the symposium with a poster, you can submit a topic with your registration. 

Conference venue

Université de Liège, Galerie des Arts (B7b), Sart-Tilman Campus: Location of Petits Amphithéâtres - Galerie des Arts, building B7b

The conference venue can be reached by bus with lines 28, 41, 48, 58, 158 and E20 from the bus stop “Gare des Guillemins” (central station) in Liège.

Bus stops near th conference venue:

  • SART-TILMAN Amphithéâtres
  • SART-TILMAN Chimie (amphis)
  • SART-TILMAN Physique 

Bus tickets can be purchased via the TEC app ( or at the vending machine SELF at the station “Gare des Guillemins”, quai D.
Buses can be crowded in the morning. Take into account that the bus you have chosen may be full and you may have to take the next bus.


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Organizing committee with the new banner (photo: M. Mens)Poster session (photo: B. Becker)Auditorium (photo: B. Becker)

Visual summaries of specific topics

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Plenary talks and posters

Bruno Merz (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)

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Abdul Baqi Ahady, You Wu (RWTH Aachen University)

Heye Bogena (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

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View file
nameBogena_Poster_Rur Observatory.pdf

Parallel program A: water quantity

Rivers in the landscape

Willem Schreurs (former secretary-general of the International Meuse Commission)

Lisa Camfferman (Wageningen University & Research)

View file
nameMeuse symposium presentation Lisa Camfferman.pdf

Alexander van Braeckel (Research Institute Nature and Forest (INBO))

Lotte de Jong (Wageningen University, Hanze University of Applied Sciences)

View file
nameMaassymposium sept 2024 Making Rivers Producing Futures.pdf

Climate change adaptation and resilience

Aurore Degré (ULiège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech)

Markus Hrachowitz (Delft University of Technology)

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Damien Sansen (Université de Liège)

Aurore Degré (ULiège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech)

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Impact of droughts on water use functions

Bernhard Becker (Deltares)

Gertjan Zwolsman (Dunea)

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name20240910 Heat waves and water quality Meuse river.pdf

Norbert Cremers (Rijkswaterstaat)

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nameCremersPresentatie Maassymposium 20240910.pdf

Marjolein Mens (Deltares)

Floods and flood management

Benjamin Dewals (Université de Liège)

Hermjan Barneveld (Wageningen University / HKV)

Pratik Chakraborty (University of Liège)

Stefanie Wolf (RWTH Aachen) and Bernhard Becker (Deltares)

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Parallel program B: water quality and organic micropollutants

The new European Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

Merle Gerritsen (Schone Maaswaterketen)

Michaël Bentvelsen (Union of Dutch Waterboards)

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nameBentvelsen_presentatie congres Liege.pdf

Sven Lyko (Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband)

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nameIMS24-Q02 Sven Lyko - UWWTD Germany.pdf

Registration of discharges in geoweb systems

Roel Kwanten (Rijkswaterstaat)

Jeroen Daniëls (Evides)

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nameIMS24-Q03 Jeroen Daniels - The Meuse source of drinking water.pdf

Leen Van Esch (VITO)

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nameIMS24-Q04 Leen van Esch - Modelling emissions to surface waters with Weiss.pdf

Roel Kwanten (Rijkswaterstaat)

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nameIMS24-Q05 Roel Kwanten - Overview registration discharges.pdf

Source detection of pollutions in surface water

Roel Kwanten (Rijkswaterstaat)

Astrid Fischer (Evides Waterbedrijf)

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nameIMS24-Q06 Astrid Fischer - Sources of micro-pollutants.pdf

Wim van der Hulst (Waterschap Aa en Maas)

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nameIMS24-Q07 Wim van der Hulst - Dutch impuls program on substances.pdf

Techniques for removal of micropollutants

Maarten Nederlof (Waterschap Rijn en IJssel)

Jasper Ford (Evides Waterbedrijf)

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nameIMC PFAS in the Meuse.pdf

Marcel Riegel (TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser)

View file
nameRiegel Elimination of micro pollutants out of drinking water.pdf

Maarten Nederlof (Waterschap Rijn en IJssel)

View file
nameIMS24-Q10 Maarten Nederlof - Waste water treatment

Invitation and programme

15 July 2024

View filename10thInternationalMeuseSymposium2024-030
