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  • MAD (Model Application Database) At the request of Andries Roelfzema some time has been allocated in the afternoon for the Model Application Database (MAD). E number of people have been approached to come and enter their models into MAD. Fedor Baart is available for assistance. Some effort will be spent investigating how MAD and DelftAlmighty can be coupled (this will enhance visibility and useability).
  • Testbanks The need for testbanks, to garantuee the quality of certain often used or important routines, surfaces regularly during major development efforts. This way regular testing of important routines during development efforts, to assess whether an improvement here did not cause any other problems there, becomes possible. During the previous Sprintsession the Team City Buildserver was addressed briefly in the activities surrounding MorphAn. Since then a number of routines was set up to facilitate testing in a transparant and uniform way. One of the items addressed will be how the currently developed tests can be run on the Buildserver. The discussion is wide open to involve other initiatiatives (e.g. XBeach)
  • Use of DelftAlmighty In previous sprintsessions and lunchmeetings, DelftAlmighty has been demonstrated regularly. This already gave rise to several follow-up discussions regarding the use of DelftAlmighty in projects (some pilot applications where made like the hindcasting of the Myanmar hurricane - zie Deltares website). Bij spontaan gebruik van DelftAlmighty bleken er af en toe nog wat toepassingsdrempels te bestaan. Op deze sprintsessie kan samen met Maarten bediscussieerd worden waar er af en toe nog knelpunten zijn. Die zullen dan zo snel mogelijk weggewerkt worden.Spontaneous use of DelftAlmighty sometimes revealed the existence of some application thresholds. This Sprintsession Maarten is available to recieve feedback on which bottlenecks remain. These will be solved with priority.

Other matters Natuurlijk kunnen ook andere zaken nog op de agenda geplaatst worden. Laat maar weten als jullie nog van de gelegenheid gebruik willen maken om een bepaald probleem of project met een brede groep experts te bediscussieren.
