Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 40 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column I (OSreference) based on NGR (Easting, Northing) of borehole (column K and L).
  3. Check that column A,B,C,D are populated in correspondence to the provided runs (ModuleDataSets)
  4. Check that the number of locations/licences as listed in the spreadsheet corresponds (at least) to the number of wells in each WEL-file
  5. Define concatenate functions for cell B16, B17, B18, B19, B21, B22. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  6. Verify that the column(s) as used for the concatenate functions are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no empty cells, 'unknowns, 'na' etc.). If necessary apply an 'IF-construction on the concatenate function. This verification is especially critical for columns being used in location names.
    Expand recommended concatenations with max. 4 WEL files
    Expand recommended concatenations with max. 4 WEL files



    used in

    recommended content

    recommended concatenate function



    Explorer (map and filter)

    licence code, purpose code (if any), site name, layer

    =IF(O40<>"";F40&""&G40&" - "&S40&" (L"&O40&")";F40&""&G40&" - "&S40)



    Graph legends

    if possible shorter version of above


    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="7c5d22fc530bfb56-6a2180ec-421c48f1-82a4a7a8-aff1bc766ed3d1b3f285e553"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[



    Description in Explorer-tooltip

    location type, GW-unit, Formation

    =T40 & " modelled at ("&M40&", "&N40&") [R"&p40&", C"&q40&"] in GW-unit " & W40 & " ("&X40&") from " & Y40 &" formation."



    Tooltip on map

    free text Explorer-tooltip

    licence holder, licence details, NGR, model coordinates (XYZ and RC)

    =IF(U40="";"";"Licence holder: " &U40 & " (" &F40 & " - "&G40&") located at NGR ("&K40&",  &L40& "), "&P40&", Column: "&Q40&", Layer: "&O40&"



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations


  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 36 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column D (OSreference) based on XY-coordinate of the associated grid cell (column H and I).
  3. Define concatenate functions for cell B14, B15, B16, B17, B19, B20. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  4. Verify that the column(s) as used for the concatenate functions are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no empty cells, 'unknowns, 'na' etc.). If necessary apply an 'IF-construction on the concatenate function. This verification is especially critical for columns being used in location names.
  5. Verify that observation locations do not refer to layer numbers which are not supported by the model. Data mapping is done on a model layer basis. Hence, an observation in layer 0 will not receive information if the model contains layer 1-3.
    Expand recommended concatenations
    Expand recommended concatenations



    used in

    recommended content

    recommended concatenate function



    Explorer (map and filter)

    site name & site code (optional layer)

    =N36&" - "&C36



    Graph legends

    if possible shorter version of above


    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="371bd09e5de3f2af-e5df83ce-466c475e-9d9daa21-086b09f70c2db446ff1af2e2"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[



    Description in Explorer-tooltip

    location type, GW-unit, Formation

    =O36 & " modelled at ("&H36&", "&I36&") [R"&K36&", C"&L36&") in GW-unit " & P36 & " ("&Q36&") from " & R36 &" formation."



    Tooltip on map

    free text Explorer-tooltip

    borehole details (if any), NGR, model coordinates (XYZ and RC)

    ="BH top: "&U36&" mAOD, base: "&V36&" mAOD, located at NGR ("&F36&", "&G36&"), "&K36&", Column: "&L36&", Layer: "&J36&"



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations


  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 37 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column L (OSreference) based on the NGR-coordinate of the discharge or abstraction point (column N and O).
  3. Define concatenate functions for cell B14, B15, B16, B17, B19, B20. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  4. Verify that the column(s) as used for the concatenate functions are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no empty cells, 'unknowns, 'na' etc.). If necessary apply an 'IF-construction on the concatenate function. This verification is especially critical for columns being used in location names. Image Modified

Step 5.8. Branches
Step 5.8. Branches


Step 5.11. Generate Location XML- files
Step 5.11. Generate Location XML- files

Step 5.11 Generate Location



Go to #Step 5.12. Update Grids.xml file

If everything is ready, you can run the macros. Note that the macro version 5 assumes that you use FEWS-software build 20300 or higher.

  • To run the macro, conduct the following steps:*
  1. Create a backup-file with name XXX_LocationsProcessed_originals_versionnumber.xls.
  2. Open the spreadsheet NGMS-locations_Generator_v5.05.xls.
  3. Activate the data-spreadsheet and run the macro 'SortLocationsAddParents' held in the NGMS_Locations_generator-spreadsheet.
    1. The macro asks what to items to process. Normally you would like to process all. Since file saving to DBF4 contains some layout issues, the macro can do this automatically. Note that it shows a message at the time of saving if the file already exists. Dependent on the model size it can take up to 2 hours (e.g. YNN).
  4. Check the results
    1. Are the newly generated worksheets properly filled ?
    2. Did the concatenate functions give proper results (especially for parents) ?
    3. Is the IDMapping OK ?
  5. If anything is incorrect:
    1. Fix the error in the _org worksheet
    2. Remove the associated worksheets generated by the macro.
    3. Save again under the same name (possibly with a version number)
    4. Run the macro 'SortLocationsAddParents' again and pick only the relevant location types.
    5. Check again.


To generate the XML-files, conduct the following steps:

  1. Create a backup with name XXX_LocationsResults_versionnumber.xls
  2. Run macro 'create_XMLfiles'. (NB at the end of the Sort-macro, it also asks if this next step should be conducted autiomatically).
    1. The macro creates XML-files in the directory of the data-spreadsheet.
    2. The macro overwrites existing files
    3. You can skip location types to be generated (e.g. if you want to update a branches file), but be aware:
      If you skip any of the location types listed, your Locations.xml file might not be complete.
  3. Check the contents of the files. It might be wise to validate with an XML-validation tool.
  4. Copy the files which are OK to your configuration:
    1. Any DBF-file to \Config\MapLayerfiles
    2. Locations.XML, LocationSets.xml, Branches.xml, Polygons.xml --> region-root\Config\RegionConfigFiles
    3. IdMap files --> \Config\IdMapfiles
  5. Leave the Grids.xml file to be updated in the next step
