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Within the NGMS-software, a scenario or what-if scenario basically refers to the specification of the adjustment (if any) of the model data.



A Within NGMS, a run (alias task run or forecast) refers to the output of a workflow (i.e. set of data processing activities), given a specific initial state (starting condition) and a whatif-scenario (to modify the input if needed)a specification of the input modification)


A scenario or what-if scenario refers to the specification of the adjustment of the model (input) data.


A workflow is the set of activities related to the a sequence of data processing steps. Within NGMS, these steps are pre-processing , running (if any), model execution and post-processing of a model.

Within NGMS, various workflows are distinguished as not all runs require that all activities are executed.
E.g. a default run, such as the Calibrated Historic, or Naturalized run, just involves the execution of Modflow, with a set of input files, and the associated post-processing. However, to run a modified scenario, some additional pre-processing activities are needed - to modify the Modflow input files - before the Modflow executable can be started.The combination of data processing steps associated to a run, i.e. preprocessing, model execution, and postprocessing, is called a workflow. A run is identified by its workflow as well its scenario

Within the NGMS the following workflows are identified:
