Versions Compared


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Code Block
netcdf test_map {
        nNetNode = 706 ;
        nNetLink = 1313 ;
        nNetLinkPts = 2 ;
        nFlowElem = 665 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts = 99 ;
        nFlowLink = 1143 ;
        nFlowLinkPts = 2 ;
        nLayer = 5;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        double FlowElem_zc(nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                FlowElem_zc:long_name = "Vertical coordinates of layers underlying each FlowElement." ;
                FlowElem_zc:units = "" ;
                FlowElem_zc:standard_name = "ocean_sigma_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_zc:formula_terms = "sigma: FlowElem_zc eta: s1 depth: zbottom..." ; // mooie oplossing: zbottom (en sigma/zc) mag tijdsonafhankelijk zijn
        double s1(time, nFlowElem) ;
                s1:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucx(time, nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                ucx:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
// ...

UNSTRUC map file with subdomains for variable nr of layers (flexible layers, concept)

Code Block

netcdf test_map {
        nNetNode1 = 106 ;
        nNetLink1 = 313 ;
        nNetLinkPts1 = 2 ;
        nFlowElem1 = 165 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode1 = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts1 = 99 ;
        nFlowLink1 = 343 ;
        nFlowLinkPts1 = 2 ;
        nLayer1 = 5;
        nNetNode2 = 486 ;
        nNetLink2 = 673 ;
        nNetLinkPts2 = 2 ;
        nFlowElem2 = 578 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode2 = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts2 = 99 ;
        nFlowLink2 = 840 ;
        nFlowLinkPts2 = 2 ;
        nLayer2 = 10 ;
        // ... idem for 3 and 4
        nSubdomain = 4 ;
        nSubdomainLink = 3 ; // for example: 4 subdoms in one row
        nSubdomainLinkPts = 2 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        double NetNode_x_1(nNetNode1) ;
                NetNode_x_1:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_x_1:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_x_1:long_name = "netnodal x-coordinate" ;
// ...
        double NetNode_x_2(nNetNode1) ;
                NetNode_x_2:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_x_2:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_x_2:long_name = "netnodal x-coordinate" ;

        double s1_1(time, nFlowElem_1) ;
                s1_1:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc_1 FlowCell_yc_1" ;
        double s1_2(time, nFlowElem_2) ;
                s1_2:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc_2 FlowCell_yc_2" ;
// ...
        integer SubdomainLink (nSubdomainLink, nSubdomainLinkPts) ;
                SubdomainLink:long_name = "Meta link between subdomain numbers."
// .. randlinks tussen subdomains kunnen nuttig zijn, maar zijn ws niet nodig voor visualisatie?

        integer Subdomain ;
                Subdomain:interfaces = "SubdomainLink"


 SubdomainLink =
  1, 2,
  2, 3,
  3, 4 ;

 Subdomain = 4; // weinig bijzonders.