Versions Compared


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Code Block
netcdf test_map {
        nNetNode = 706 ;
        nNetLink = 1313 ;
        nNetLinkPts = 2 ;
        nBndLink = 104 ;
        nNetElem = 610 ;
        nNetElemMaxNode = 7 ;
        nFlowElem = 665 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts = 99 ;
        nNetElemLink1D = 65 ;
        nNetElemLink = 1078 ;
        nNetElemLinkPts = 2 ;
        nFlowLink = 1143 ;
        nFlowLinkPts = 2 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        double NetNode_x(nNetNode) ;
                NetNode_x:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_x:long_name = "netnodal x-coordinate" ;
        double NetNode_y(nNetNode) ;
                NetNode_y:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_y:long_name = "netnodal y-coordinate" ;
        double NetNode_z(nNetNode) ;
        int NetLink(nNetLink, nNetLinkPts) ;
                NetLink:standard_name = "netlink" ;
                NetLink:long_name = "link between two netnodes" ;
        int NetLinkType(nNetLink) ;
                NetLinkType:long_name = "type of netlink" ;
                NetLinkType:valid_range = 0, 2 ;
                NetLinkType:flag_values = 0, 1, 2 ;
                NetLinkType:flag_meanings = "closed_link_between_2D_nodes link_between_1D_nodes link_between_2D_nodes" ;
        int NetElemNode(nNetElem, nNetElemMaxNode) ;
                NetElemNode:long_name = "Mapping from net cell to net nodes." ;
        int BndLink(nBndLink) ;
                BndLink:long_name = "Netlinks that compose the net boundary." ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1992-08-31 00:00:00" ;
        double FlowElem_xc(nFlowElem) ;
                FlowElem_xc:units = "m" ;
                FlowElem_xc:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_xc:long_name = "Flow element circumcenter x" ;
                FlowElem_xc:bounds = "FlowElemContour_x" ;
        double FlowElem_yc(nFlowElem) ;
                FlowElem_yc:units = "m" ;
                FlowElem_yc:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_yc:long_name = "Flow element circumcenter y" ;
                FlowElem_yc:bounds = "FlowElemContour_y" ;
        double FlowElemContour_x(nFlowElem, nFlowElemContourPts) ;
                FlowElemContour_x:units = "m" ;
                FlowElemContour_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                FlowElemContour_x:long_name = "List of x-points forming flow element" ;
        double FlowElemContour_y(nFlowElem, nFlowElemContourPts) ;
                FlowElemContour_y:units = "m" ;
                FlowElemContour_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                FlowElemContour_y:long_name = "List of y-points forming flow element" ;
        int FlowLink(nFlowLink, nFlowLinkPts) ;
                FlowLink:long_name = "link/interface between two flow elements" ;
        int FlowLinkType(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLinkType:long_name = "type of flowlink" ;
                FlowLinkType:valid_range = 1, 2 ;
                FlowLinkType:flag_values = 1, 2 ;
                FlowLinkType:flag_meanings = "link_between_1D_flow_elements link_between_2D_flow_elements" ;
        double FlowLink_xe(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLink_xe:long_name = "Center coordinate of net link (velocity point)." ;
                FlowLink_xe:units = "m" ;
                FlowLink_xe:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
        double FlowLink_ye(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLink_ye:long_name = "Center coordinate of net link (velocity point)." ;
                FlowLink_ye:units = "m" ;
                FlowLink_ye:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
        double s1(time, nFlowElem) ;
                s1:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucx(time, nFlowElem) ;
                ucx:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucy(time, nFlowElem) ;
                ucy:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double unorm(time, nFlowLink) ;
                unorm:standard_name = "normal_velocity" ;
                unorm:units = "m s-1" ;
                unorm:interfaces = "FlowLink" ;
                unorm:coordinates = "FlowLink_xe FlowLink_ye" ;

// global attributes:
                :institution = "Deltares" ;
                :references = "" ;
                :source = "UNSTRUC v1.0.11.10693:1069, model" ;
                :history = "Created on 2010-03-08T13:23:31+0100, UNSTRUC" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.4:Deltares-0.1" ;

 NetNode_x = 1078.99694824, 1068.75195312, 1110.4510498, 1123.6159668,
    1032.6619873, 1023.13500977, 984.9420166, 974.37200928, 936.1550293,
    922.88897705, 886.71002197, 868.85601807, 837.2210083, 812.21697998,
// ...
 time = 10.7142857142857 ;

 FlowElem_xc = 1800.29010953126, 1827.13454757167, 1892.73565627098,
// ...
 FlowElemContour_x =
  1799.14001465, 1843.04504395, 1796.97290039, 1758.60998535, _, _, _, _, _,
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
// ...
 FlowLink =
  1, 2,
  2, 9,

UNSTRUC map file with z-layers (concept)

Code Block

netcdf test_map {
        nNetNode = 706 ;
        nNetLink = 1313 ;
        nNetLinkPts = 2 ;
        nFlowElem = 665 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts = 99 ;
        nFlowLink = 1143 ;
        nFlowLinkPts = 2 ;
        nLayer = 5;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        double NetNode_x(nNetNode) ;
                NetNode_x:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_x:long_name = "netnodal x-coordinate" ;
        double NetNode_y(nNetNode) ;
                NetNode_y:units = "m" ;
                NetNode_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                NetNode_y:long_name = "netnodal y-coordinate" ;
        double NetNode_z(nNetNode) ;
        int NetLink(nNetLink, nNetLinkPts) ;
                NetLink:standard_name = "netlink" ;
                NetLink:long_name = "link between two netnodes" ;
        int NetLinkType(nNetLink) ;
                NetLinkType:long_name = "type of netlink" ;
                NetLinkType:valid_range = 0, 2 ;
                NetLinkType:flag_values = 0, 1, 2 ;
                NetLinkType:flag_meanings = "closed_link_between_2D_nodes link_between_1D_nodes link_between_2D_nodes" ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1992-08-31 00:00:00" ;
        double FlowElem_xc(nFlowElem) ;
                FlowElem_xc:units = "m" ;
                FlowElem_xc:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_xc:long_name = "Flow element circumcenter x" ;
                FlowElem_xc:bounds = "FlowElemContour_x" ;
        double FlowElem_yc(nFlowElem) ;
                FlowElem_yc:units = "m" ;
                FlowElem_yc:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_yc:long_name = "Flow element circumcenter y" ;
                FlowElem_yc:bounds = "FlowElemContour_y" ;
        double FlowElemContour_x(nFlowElem, nFlowElemContourPts) ;
                FlowElemContour_x:units = "m" ;
                FlowElemContour_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                FlowElemContour_x:long_name = "List of x-points forming flow element" ;
        double FlowElemContour_y(nFlowElem, nFlowElemContourPts) ;
                FlowElemContour_y:units = "m" ;
                FlowElemContour_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                FlowElemContour_y:long_name = "List of y-points forming flow element" ;
        int FlowLink(nFlowLink, nFlowLinkPts) ;
                FlowLink:long_name = "link/interface between two flow elements" ;
        int FlowLinkType(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLinkType:long_name = "type of flowlink" ;
                FlowLinkType:valid_range = 1, 2 ;
                FlowLinkType:flag_values = 1, 2 ;
                FlowLinkType:flag_meanings = "link_between_1D_flow_elements link_between_2D_flow_elements" ;
        double FlowLink_xe(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLink_xe:long_name = "Center coordinate of net link (velocity point)." ;
                FlowLink_xe:units = "m" ;
                FlowLink_xe:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
        double FlowLink_ye(nFlowLink) ;
                FlowLink_ye:long_name = "Center coordinate of net link (velocity point)." ;
                FlowLink_ye:units = "m" ;
                FlowLink_ye:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
        double FlowElem_zc(nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                FlowElem_zc:long_name = "Vertical coordinates of layers underlying each FlowElement." ;
                FlowElem_zc:units = "m" ;
                FlowElem_zc:layer_type = "z" ; // see other example for sigma
                FlowElem_zc:standard_name = "???" ;
        double s1(time, nFlowElem) ;
                s1:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucx(time, nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                ucx:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucy(time, nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                ucy:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ; // AvD: Mogen de z-coordinaten hier ook nog bij? (nFlowElem mapt naar x+y, nLayer naar z)

UNSTRUC map file with sigma coords (concept)

Code Block

netcdf test_map {
        nNetNode = 706 ;
        nNetLink = 1313 ;
        nNetLinkPts = 2 ;
        nFlowElem = 665 ;
        nFlowElemMaxNode = 6 ;
        nFlowElemContourPts = 99 ;
        nFlowLink = 1143 ;
        nFlowLinkPts = 2 ;
        nLayer = 5;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        double FlowElem_zc(nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                FlowElem_zc:long_name = "Vertical coordinates of layers underlying each FlowElement." ;
                FlowElem_zc:units = "" ;
                FlowElem_zc:standard_name = "ocean_sigma_coordinate" ;
                FlowElem_zc:formula_terms = "sigma: FlowElem_zc eta: s1 depth: zbottom..." ; // mooie oplossing: zbottom (en sigma/zc) mag tijdsonafhankelijk zijn
        double s1(time, nFlowElem) ;
                s1:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
        double ucx(time, nFlowElem, nLayer) ;
                ucx:coordinates = "FlowCell_xc FlowCell_yc" ;
// ...