Versions Compared


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  1. CF standard: add a dummy variable crs and add all grid mapping related meta-data as attributes.
  2. The ADAGUC WMS/WCS software requires some additional attirbutes that contain the same information as the CF grid_mapping attributes: proj4_params and epsg_code (see: adaguc documentation). In the Dutch National Model and Data Centre ADAGUC is used as a central component, so for NMDC these additional attributes are highly recommended.
  3. proposed extension: make sure that the dummy variable crs it an integer and that its value is the EPSG code of the coordinate system, e.g:
    • 28992 for Dutch Rijksdriehoek (projection_x_coordinate,projection_y_coordinate)
    • 4326 for WGS84 global ellipsoid (latitude, longitude)
    • 32631 for WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N (projection_x_coordinate,projection_y_coordinate)
  4. proposed extension: add a WKT (well-known text) string of all grid mapping related meta-data (the WKT quite laborious for parsing though).
  5. Proposal for multiple coordinate systems:
