Versions Compared


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3.2 OpenMI 2.0 architecture

3.2.1 Current status

We need to remind ourselves about the current status for the OpenMI version 2 development - what is implemented and why. See also: OpenMI.Standard ver 1.4 to ver 2 change log

The current OpenMI Standard interfaces a shown in the figure below. The implementation is located in the trunk on source forge.

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Minutes: ToDo

3.2.2 Events

At the last meeting we discussed if we adapt the way events are used in C# rather that using our own implementation.

See page : Use standard events instead of many interfaces like IListener, IPublisher

Minutes: ToDo Minutes: Stef explained the recent developments and the current status for the OpenMI version 2 standard to the meeting participants.



3 Configuration interfaces

At the last OATC meetings the focus has been on interfaces that relates to the configuration part of the standard

see also: Jan's ideas for version 2 configuration interfacesMinutes: ToDo



4 IQuality and IQuantity

One of the change requests we have received for OpenMI Standard version 2 is the ability to handle categorized data. Examples could be "high", "medium", "low" or "grass", "corn", "potatoes".

See use case: Qualitative data support

See UML for proposed OpenMI interfaces

3.2.4 Spatial issues

We will focus on the spatial issues at the next OATC meeting in Delft. However, since Andrea is attending this meeting, it could be wise to start the thinking process now, utilizing his knowledge about GIS and specifically OpenMI GIS.

Minutes: ToDo

3.2.5 Spatial issues

Minutes: ToDo

3.2.6 ITime

see Refactor ITime, ITimeSpan, ITimeStamp - use DateTime and TimeSpan in .NET and corresponding default types in Java

Minutes: ToDo

3.2.7 IArgument

Minutes: ToDo

3.2.8 Using Object to pass the values

Minutes: ToDo Minutes:
Based on the discussions in the meeting Jan has updated the standard in the trunk on source forge. See UML below:
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3.3 Development and release road map

Some time ago a prioritized list of issues that should be included in the next release was elaborated (OpenMI version 2 Development plan ). Seems that we already have covered most of the issues plus the quantity/quality issues, which are not listed in the plan. However, we still need a plan with some more strict deadlines.

Since we are dealing with a standard release we must follow the procedure for OpenMI standard releases. So far we do not have such procedure formally accepted by the OAEC. On this agenda (point 4.1) is a proposal for a procedure. So, let's discuss this first and then see how we can fit some dates into this.


Version 2 development plan:

September 11th 2008 - November 2nd 2008
Finish the configuration architecture (the decorator pattern)and update SDK and GUI.

November 3 - November 5 2008.
OATC meeting in The Netherlands: special focus on return types and geometry (ElementSet)

November 6th 2008 - January 12th 2009
Implementation of new geometry interfaces and return types. Update SDK and GUI

January 13th - January 15th 2009
OATC meeting in UK. Final decision for the version 2 standard interfaces. This also implies deciding which requested feature that will not be include in version 2.

January 16th - March 9th 2009
Complete implementation and unit testing of the version 2 standard, SDK and GUI

March 10 - March 12 2009
OATC meetings, Denmark. OpenMI 2 standard, SDK and GUI beta release

March 13 - April 20, 2009
Migrate and test selected commercial models and components for version 2

April 21 - April 23
OATC Meeting i The Netherlands. Evaluate real models test and further refinements for version 2

April 24 - June 09 2009:
Continues real models testing, write documentation.

June 10 - June 12 2009
OATC meeting in Denmark. Final evaluation, submission of the version 2 to the OpenMI Association Executive Committee for acceptance

June 13 - October 13 2009
The standard is reviewed by external reviewers

October 14 - December 19, 2009
Adjustments based on comments from the reviewers. Finalization of the OpenMI 2 release.

December 20th 2009
OpenMI 2 standard, SDK and GUI release.

Minutes: ToDo

3. OpenMI Java and OpenMI .net synchronization

Minutes: ToDo

4. OATC Procedures

4.1 Proposal for procedures for OpenMI Standard releases

see: Proposed procedure for OpenMI Standard releases

Minutes: ToDo

4.2 Proposed procedure for evaluation of OpenMI compliance

see Proposed procedure for evaluation of OpenMI compliance.

Minutes: ToDo

3. OpenMI Java and OpenMI .net synchronization

The OpenMI standard is released both in a Java and a C# version. This imposes some problems / challenges that we continuously must address:

  • The OpenMI standard interfaces.
    • Can the proposed changes for the OpenMI 2 release be implemented in both programming languages
    • Which one should be developed first and how do we make sure that the implementation are conceptually the same
  • The OATC SDK and GUI
    For OpenMI 1.4 we have a full implementation of the SDK and GUI in C# but for the Java version the SDK is provided by Alterra and there is no GUI available. How are we going to handle this for version 1.4 and for version 2
  • Linking models / components compliant to the Java and C# version, respectively
    When running OpenMI linked configurations objects are passed between the components. This makes it technically difficult to handle linked systems where some components are OpenMI Java compliant and some OpenMI C# compliant. At previous meeting we have discussed this issue and one of the conclusion is that since we are not the only ones having this problem, at solution for this may arise from outside. What is the current status with respect to this?


4. OATC Procedures

4.1 Proposal for procedures for OpenMI Standard releases

From Jan: I have at task from one of the previous OpenMI Association Executive Committee meeting to elaborate a proposal for OpenMI Standard release procedure. These procedures will define the rules for how to go from OpenMI Standard release version x to OpenMI standard version x+1. I think that the OpenMI standard it selves is the most important asset of the OpenMI Association, which also means that rules for how this standard may be change becomes very important. I thought a lot about it (apparently, more difficult that I first anticipated), and I have now written my first idea down in draft form. I would appreciate if we, at the OATC meetings, could discuss these ideas.
Please review the Proposed procedure for OpenMI Standard releases.

The meeting was generally happy about the presented proposal. Each member til put specific comments using the commenting facility on the wiki. Jan will ask the OAEC also to read and comment and ask to have this issue in the OAEC agenda.

4.2 Review and update the OATC procedures

What is the status with respect to procedures other that the standard release procedure (point 4.1)

(GOTO OATC procedures)

Minutes: ToDo

5. and

A proposal to the OAEC is ready in a draft version: see

5.1 Review the getting started pages on the wiki 
