Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Rules for OpenMI Standard change requests

  • Anyone can submit change requests.
  • All change requests are made public available
  • Change requests are submitted online on the OpenMI web using the predefined form
  • The following must be provided with the change request:
    • Full name, affiliation, city, country, and e-mail address must be provided.
    • List of OpenMI standard interfaces affected by the change request.
    • List of OpenMI standard schemas affected by the change request.
    • Free text area, where the reasoning for the change request is described.
    • Free text area, where the actual change request is described.
    • Full source code for any changed interface or new interface, including source code xml comments.
    • Full xml schemas for any changed schema or new schema.

Rules for comments to OpenMI standard change requests or OpenMI Standard proposals.

  • Anyone can submit comments to OpenMI Standard change requests.
  • All comments are made public available
  • Change requests are submitted online on the OpenMI web using the predefined form
  • The following must be provided with the change request:
    • Full name, affiliation, city, country, and e-mail address.
    • Free text area where the comment is given.

Rules for OpenMI standard proposals

  • Anyone can submit a OpenMI Standard proposal
  • OpenMI standard proposals are made public available.
  • The following must be provided with an OpenMI Standard proposal:
    • Full name, affiliation, city, country, and e-mail address.
    • List of OpenMI standard interfaces changed.
    • List of OpenMI standard schemas change.
    • Free text area conceptual changes, and the reasoning for those changes are given.
    • Documentation for tests carried out.
    • Zip file containing the full OpenMI standard release. (This means that if no further comments are provided and the OAEX accepts the proposal as is, this zip file can be directly released.)

Test requirements

Since the OpenMI standard simply is implemented interfaces, real unit test cannot be applied to the interfaces themselves. Hence, the purpose of the test is to ensure that things possible with the previous release also are possible with the new release (and in case not, make a sufficient argumentations for why that is). Make sure that features anticipated for the new release actually can be realized.

Specifically the test must involve the following:

  • Ensure that the OpenMI standard can be compiled without any errors or warnings.
  • Ensure that each and every interface and method is described if sufficient details in the source code comments. Ensure that there are no ambiguities and room for misunderstanding in the source code comments.
  • Upgrade the OATC SDK and GUI or equivalent open source software packages and make sure that these compiles without any errors or warnings and that every unit tests runs without any errors.
  • Demonstrate that the proposed standard works with different types of models and components.

Documentation requirements

Only in-code xml comments are required.